Image Basics

Denotative and Connotative

A denotative image tries to clearly show that thing. You are simply trying to represent that object as clearly as possible in the viewer's mind.

A cup, a key, a balloon, a shoe

They are just things, and other than the use of the color red, which might add some other feelings/meanings, there is little to distract you from thinking of those objects.

A cup is a cup

This is an example to denote a cup, a plastic cup.

A connotative image tries to use objects to make you think of something else

A game, not a cup

Many western cultures may know this game, but even if you don't, when you look at this image you don't think of a cup, you think of the action happening here.

A relaxing feeling, not a cup

Your first thoughts are not about a cup or even about coffee, is about the smell and feeling of relaxing with a coffee break.

Experiment with this concept

Try taking a few photos, finding a few images online, or even try to draw some images that are either denotative or connotative