


We believe technology is forcing educators to make decisions and adapt to the way learners are changing their behaviors. Learners today want to learn on their terms, when and where they like. The design of TLC reflects those needs. Everyone gets a chance to present, everyone has a chance to participate in many ways, in person and online. We also believe that emerging technology has the potential to help us be more inclusive as educators, so we are designing TLC to take advantage of augmented and virtual realities to include as many people as possible. Think of TLC as if TED, UNconference, a webinar, VR gaming, and an academic conference were all mixed together.


What is really exciting about this recent set of immersive environments is that students are now taking a major role in creating the content and designing the experience. This is large part in thanks to a new version of ARientation, an application designed to simplify the workflow of creating augmented reality content so ideas can be prototyped in seconds. Also because I have created a host of new courses for our new department that integrate the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies. So students are able to learn and create AR and VR content for tourism, marketing, and gaming in those classes, test them in class, and then conduct field/beta tests with campus visitors during open campus.