Kids can learn about natural habitats and animal behavior. Much of what kids learn here comes through observation: what happens when there are a lot of oak trees? A few? How about birch? Or deep lakes or tall mountains? As they experiment with which animals will eat which of five foods, kids also learn a bit about animal diets. Most of all, kids will be inspired by the magic of nature, watching bears ramble about and birds flitter through the trees. In its own warm, quiet way, Toca Nature lets kids discover their own understanding of nature's wonders as they explore and experiment.

Teachers can use Toca Nature to spark exploration into a range of topics including ecology, animal habitats and diet, conservation, and plant life. Have kids work individually or in small groups to create their own personalized forests. They can take notes on what they observe, then report on what foods the animals like, the five tree types, what happens when they add trees or take away mountains, and so on. A thoughtful letter from the developer in the parents' section provides helpful inspiration for discussion, such as "How is this virtual interaction different from a walk in a real forest?" Point out that it's not a good idea to feed real wild animals. Most of all, use Toca Nature to inspire kids to be curious about the natural world, to appreciate the wonders of nature, and to take a quiet moment to simply observe the world around them every once in a while.

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Just like a quiet walk in the woods, Toca Nature is calm, slow, and mesmerizing; even the background music contributes to the magical feeling. An app can never replace real walks through real forests (the developers admit that), but this does an effective job of bringing the wonder of nature to an interactive screen. With an "if you build it, they will come" approach, kids build, then wait and observe. The possibilities in this forest are limited, however. It's also unrealistically G-rated -- animals are strict herbivores as rambling bears and wily foxes live peacefully with cute little bunnies. Some internal inconsistencies are mildly bothersome: Kids can feed some animals, but not others; they can throw fish to a wolf in the mountains far from any water source. There's also the issue of feeding wild animals in the first place -- definitely not okay in a real forest. Finally, it would be useful to have a reset button so kids could control when to start over.

Kids create and destroy natural elements (trees, lakes, mountains) as they observe and experiment with animal habitats and eating preferences. Most of all, they experience the magic and wonder of nature -- virtually.

You may also use the magnifying glass to zoom in and observe any part of the nature you created. Be ready for the amazing animal encounters. Collect berries, nuts, mushrooms and fishes, and feed the animals and find out who eats what. Some zoom-in pictures I got:

To get a closer look, one can zoom in on the surroundings, watching nature unfold as the inhabitants of the forest wander around looking for food or even resting as both day and night are represented in Toca Nature, complete with wonderful colors of an unseen sunrise that illuminates this area. Forage for berries, nuts, mushrooms and fish in order to have treats to feed inhabitants who will ask for their favorites via speech bubbles, or simply hang back and watch these animals in their natural habitats, which reminds me of trips to our local national forest. It also allows children the chance to be an accomplished nature photographer by taking snapshots of creatures as they explore, which will be found on one's camera roll assuming this function on turned on in the device's settings.

Shape nature and watch it develop. Plant trees and grow a forest. Raise a mountain and enjoy the view. Collect berries, mushrooms or nuts, and feed the different animals. Learn who eats what and discover how much it takes to winkle a bear out. Walk through different landscapes and become friends with a fox. Capture the moment of woodpeckers zigzagging between trees, and watch the day turn into night.

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The next question to be addressed is how ECs sense IP load-induced mechanical stretch to regulate angiogenesis. Acute changes in membrane tension reportedly induce the disappearance of actin regulatory proteins from the leading edge25,32,33,34. A previous study identified the TOCA family of F-BAR proteins, consisting of TOCA-1, CIP4, and Formin-binding protein 17 (FBP17) (also known as Formin-binding protein 1 (FNBP1)), as a plasma membrane tension sensor involved in the leading-edge formation of directionally migrating cells35. TOCA family proteins bind to the plasma membrane through the N-terminal F-BAR domain and stimulate N-WASP-mediated Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerization to promote directional cell migration. Importantly, increased plasma membrane tension results in detachment of TOCA family proteins from the plasma membrane, leading to suppression of Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization. Hence, we hypothesized that IP load-induced EC stretching might prevent leading edge localization of TOCA family proteins to inhibit N-WASP-mediated Arp2/3 complex-dependent actin polymerization and vessel elongation. To address this hypothesis, we first investigated the role of TOCA family proteins in angiogenesis. Among genes encoding TOCA family proteins, CIP4 and TOCA1, but not FBP17, mRNAs were expressed in HUVECs (Supplementary Fig. 14a). In situ hybridization on zebrafish embryos also showed expressions of toca1 and cip4, but not of fbp17, in blood vessels (Supplementary Fig. 14b). Consistently, publicly available scRNA-seq data of the tabula muris project showed that Toca1 and Cip4, but not Fbp17, are preferentially expressed in ECs of various mouse organs36. Therefore, we investigated CIP4 and TOCA1 roles in angiogenesis by performing siRNA-mediated gene knockdown experiments (Supplementary Fig. 15a, b). In an on-chip angiogenesis model, knockdown of both CIP4 and TOCA1 significantly suppressed vessel elongation, while it was moderately inhibited by silencing of either gene (Fig. 6a, b). Impaired elongation of angiogenic branches formed by CIP4 and TOCA1-double knockdown ECs was rescued by lentivirus-mediated expression of N-terminally EGFP-tagged TOCA1 (EGFP-TOCA1) in ECs (Fig. 6c, d and Supplementary Fig. 15c). Although around 30% of ECs used in the rescue experiment were not transduced to express EGFP-TOCA1, those expressing EGFP-TOCA1 preferentially occupied a tip position in angiogenic branches constituted by CIP4 and TOCA1-double knockdown ECs and even in those by control siRNA-transduced ECs (Fig. 6e, f). These results suggest that CIP4 and TOCA1 regulate blood vessel elongation during angiogenesis. Therefore, we further investigated their roles in in vivo angiogenesis by generating toca1nf4 and cip4nf5 zebrafish mutants using CRISPR/Cas9 technology (Supplementary Fig. 16). toca1nf4/nf4 mutants at 28 hpf did not show lethality and a clear morphological abnormality, and at least some mutants survived until adulthood (Fig. 6g). However, ISVs at 28 hpf were significantly shorter in toca1nf4/nf4 mutants than in wild-type embryos (Fig. 6h, i). toca1nf4/+ embryos also showed a tendency for the delayed formation of ISVs compared to wild type (Fig. 6h, i). However, ISVs developed normally in cip4nf5/nf5 mutants, while tending to show mild ventral curvature phenotypes (Supplementary Fig. 17). These results suggest the TOCA family of F-BAR proteins to regulate vessel elongation during angiogenesis and that predominantly Toca1 regulates ISV angiogenesis in zebrafish embryos.

We further investigated whether detachment of TOCA family proteins from the EC leading edge causes impaired elongation of upstream injured vessels during wound angiogenesis. For this purpose, we analyzed the localization of EGFP-Toca1 in the injured ISVs (Fig. 9a, b and Supplementary Movie 27). In downstream injured ISVs, EGFP-Toca1 was frequently observed at the leading edge of endothelial tip cells where actin polymerization actively occurred. In clear contrast, EGFP-Toca1 rarely emerged at the leading edge of ECs in upstream injured ISVs. We also analyzed the repair processes of injured ISVs in toca1nf4 mutants (Fig. 9c, d). Elongation of downstream injured vessels was significantly slower in toca1nf4/nf4 and toca1nf4/+ than in wild-type larvae. However, upstream injured vessels only marginally elongated irrespective of the toca1 genotypes. Collectively, these results suggest that TOCA family proteins not only promote wound angiogenesis but also act as sensors for IP load-induced EC stretching to inhibit elongation of upstream injured vessels.

cDNA fragments encoding zebrafish toca1, cip4, and fbp17 were amplified from a cDNA library derived from zebrafish embryos by PCR using the primers listed in Supplementary Table 2, and cloned into a pCR4 Blunt TOPO vector (Invitrogen). A cDNA fragment encoding the coding sequence of zebrafish toca1 (NM_001003634) was amplified from a cDNA library derived from zebrafish embryos by PCR and cloned into a pEGFP-C1 vector to construct the pEGFP-C1-toca1 that encodes N-terminally GFP-tagged Toca1. Then, the pTol2-fli1:EGFP-toca1 plasmid was constructed by subcloning the EGFP-toca1 cDNA into the pTolfli1 vector.

For the genotyping of the toca1nf4 mutant, PCR products amplified from genomic DNA using a primer set comprising F-toca1 and R-toca1 were digested with Hpy188I to yield 133-bp and 474-bp fragments for the wild type allele and 133-bp, 290-bp, and 184-bp fragments for the mutant allele (Supplementary Fig. 16b, c). For the genotyping of the cip4nf5 mutants, PstI digestion of PCR products amplified from genomic DNA using a primer set comprising F-cip4 and R-cip4 yields 118-, 164-, and 366-bp fragments for the wild-type allele and 118- and 530-bp fragments for the mutant allele (Supplementary Fig. 16f, g). ff782bc1db

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