Microsoft Lists is a relatively new app within Microsoft 365 that allows for easy access to all your lists. These lists exist in your SharePoint sites, as well as within your own OneDrive for Business. Now we also have a Microsoft Lists desktop app that allows usage of lists offline and provides quick access. Here are my thoughts and instructions for you to install the app. I also created a video showing how to install and use the app that's embedded at the end of this post!

The app is the web version of Microsoft Lists as a Progressive Web App (PWA). It installs from Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox or other browser that supports Progressive Web Apps (with the exception of Safari). The app has the same functionality as Microsoft Lists via a browser with the additional benefit of offline access to your lists.

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Once you do agree to install the app, the Microsoft Lists tab in the browser closes and the app loads. The first run experience allows for the configuration of where links to the desktop app will be placed. You can have a link in the taskbar, in the start menu, on your desktop's home screen, as well as have the app load when Windows starts.

For XD 5.6 (note that this is different for XD 7.x Studio) Studio will set up the user list on either the entitlement policy rule or the assignment policy rule attached to the desktop group, depending on whether the group is a random/shared one or a private/static one. See the cmdlets:

If you want to use the same list that Windows does for desktop items, you need to call SHGetDesktopFolder and invoke EnumObjects on the resulting object. I don't think the .NET Base Class library exposes this functionality, but I'm sure someone has already written a wrapper that does all the p/invoke heavy lifting. There's a thin wrapper (interface declarations converted to C#) already provided at

Some files may be showing up when you look (but not to code) because they're actually in the shared desktop folder. On Windows 7, this is C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop. On XP I think it's C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop, but I can't check that right now.

This shortcut is turned off by default. To turn it on, select StartĀ  > SettingsĀ  > Cortana, and turn on the toggle under Let Cortana listen for my commands when I press the Windows logo key + C.

Up until the Fall Creators update it used to be possible to show desktop icons in list view, which was awesome. To achieve this you could either use a little tool written in AutoIT or press Ctrl+Shift+5 on the desktop.

Right-click on the Task Bar. From the shortcut menu, hover over Toolbars>. Click on Desktop.That will give you the little vertical rectangular button that when clicked, will give you the list of your Desktop items.[image of Desktop Shortcut Button]

I would like to have the "Simple List" layout on desktop, so that I can list information for easily legibility from the get-go, but have it adjust to a "Carousel" version on mobile, without having to create two versions, one for each screen size.

My thought process is to take the Carousel version, but on desktop, change the layout to 1 column with the "Elements" stacked on top of each other, and hide the arrows. Mockup example below. I can't for the life of me figure out the code to do it. Any ideas?

The first section has the layout using "Simple List" as I'd like it to look on desktop. The section below is duplicated, but set to "Carousel." Ideally would like to use code targeting @media all and (min-width: 640px) to change the "Carousel" to look like the section above it on Desktop, but remain swipeable in Carousel form on mobile.

I'm running Windows 10 (Enterprise, 21H1), and, for unknown reasons earlier this morning, the desktop began displaying in list view. I understand that many people love this, and so the general advice being sought is how to enable it (apparently this feature was removed at some point in Windows 10?). I, however, am looking to disable it.

My desktop now has a bar running across the top (of all three monitors) with column headers (Name, Size, Item type, Date modified) that I can click on to sort the icons. Furthermore, the icons all have checkboxes (though this is not the case on any other Explorer window or folder), and folders do not show up on the desktop (though they do if I open the Desktop folder in an Explorer window).

Contact groups show up in your list of contacts, along with individual people. You can tell the difference by the icons that appear to the left of the names in List view. The card icon is for individual contacts and the people icon is for contact groups.

Unfortunately, you can't import a list of contacts from Excel directly into a distribution list, but you can import the contacts into your Contacts folder, then use the instructions above to create a distribution list from those contacts.

Distribution lists are stored by default in your Contacts folder. If you use a Microsoft Exchange account, your Global Address List can contain global distribution lists, which are available to everyone who uses that network. The personal distribution lists that you create in your Contacts folder are available only to you, but you can share them by sending them to others.

The maximum number of names that you can include in a distribution list depends on the size of the contact files (for each contact) themselves. There are no hard and fast rules but in general, a distribution list can contain between 50-70 names and e-mail addresses. A maximum number of e-mail addresses, with minimum contact file size, is approximately 125, and this can include other distribution lists.

But I cant add measurements via the web interface, I tried to add calculated column in the Sharepoint List so I would be able to use the web version of PowerBI but all calculated column from sharepoint list are considered as text in PowerBI even if its result is set to number.

I have read the web page you mentionned about the REST. Seems to be for web site developpers using javascript or C#. I just want to be able to to publish the report to the "integrate" section of the sharepoint list with few clicks.

Thinking about using power automate on new item created/modified on the list to update columns values so I will be able to use these values with the web PowerBI and use the "Publish to the list" button as I cant do that with the Desktop version.

I would like to be able to generate a list, and hopefully access one-by-one, all the open windows of any specific app no matter what desktop they are in. Many apps have a Windows menu that lists all the open windows, but that seems like I would have to have specific macros to manage the lists for each different app. That's not ideal.

I found one KBM token that comes close, %WindowName%All%, but it just lists all the windows of the current app in the current desktop. I want to expand that to list all the windows of the app in all desktops. If I have three TextEdit windows in the current desktop and six other TextEdit windows in other desktops, if I display %WindowName%All% when one of the TextEdit widows is formost, it shows a list of the three windows in the current desktop.

I imagine KBM has some built-in way to do it, but I haven't been able to find it. I could step through all the different desktops, one after another, and see if it has any TextEdit windows and then select one and then use %WindowName%All%, but that seems inelegant.

I currently have 21 Desktops/Workspaces between two monitors. (I don't want to try imagining how to live without them.) I also currently have 23 TextEdit windows open. Using the Windows menu in TextEdit, I can get a list of the filenames, but it doesn't show me which Desktop/Workspace each one is in. That's what I was hoping I could entice KBM to do for me.

I guess I'll just have to step through each of 21 desktops and generate a list of what window are open and then filter, sort, and format the combined list into something useful. Definitely not a sweet solution.

like macos - Listing all windows of all applications - Stack Overflow

or MacScripter / getting list of open windows

or macos - Listing all opened documents across all open visible apps in AppleScript - Ask Different

I'm realizing that one of the purposes I had for the original question (but not all) was to be able to tell one desktop from another, to tell when a desktop had been moved, etc. and I think I can do that using some one specific app that is well behaved that way. Maybe TextEdit, maybe something else. The idea here is to emulate what CurrentKey does invisibly by having some app that has one window on each and every desktop and using that to force window changes.

I spent a day generating a list of all the 32-bit apps I had (there were 145 of them) and going through to see what I would miss if I deleted them (mostly Office 11 and a.bunch of Adobe stuff that I don't use or the licence has expired). The big one has been Acrobat Pro X, but some of the features I have been counting on are now in Acrobat Reader and others are available as free web utilites. Worst case is I subscribe for a month if there's something I HAVE TO have. 2351a5e196

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