TNSL22 English for Logisticians, Spring 2022


A detailed description of how the grade for the course is composed.


Make sure that you check this list before each submission!


Detailed time plan with all deadlines

Please upload the final version of each document to the collaborative workspace in lisam!

All deadlines are strict, if a deadline is not kept, this counts as a failed version.

For the report and the opposition report, at most three versions can be submitted; if the third version does not receive a pass, the group fails the complete course.

For the abstract, you may have at most four mistakes. If your first submission has more than four mistakes, you will receive an email of the form “I have found more than four mistakes in your abstract” and you will have a chance to resubmit, that is, we will not inform you about the mistakes we found. If you also failed the second submission, you will have one final chance to submit an abstract for another report, which we will determine. If this third version does not receive a pass, the group fails the complete course.

The plan for TNSL22 online is the following:

- For most lectures we will have a zoom meeting.

- For the seminars where each group will receive feedback from Alan or me separately, we will send out invitations for zoom meetings with a waiting room and will schedule all groups for a specific time.

- For the group meetings all students need to have the mic unmuted, camera is optional, but encouraged.

- For the zoom meetings: for the first meeting I will start with everyone unmuted, for the others, I will mute you as default.

- I will create groups in Lisam, once they are up, please check whether I assigned you correctly.

- Submissions will be done under submissions in Lisam, all submission opportunities will be listed.

- Each group must upload the final version of each document to the collaborative workspace (for reports: upload latest on April 23, independent of current status of acceptance).