Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters

11-12 October 2023


The 13th conference in the series “Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters”, TMP 2023, will be held in Moscow on 11-12 October 2023 at the Institute of Linguistics, RAS.

The conference is organized by the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, the Institute of Linguistics, RAS and Lomonosov Moscow State University. For information about applying see call for papers page.




The Organizing Committee

Anastasia Gerasimova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Igor Isaev (Institute of Linguistics RAS)

Ekaterina Lyutikova (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Vladimir Plungian (Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS / Institute of Linguistics RAS / Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Xenia Semionova (Vinogradov Russian Language Institute RAS)

Andrej Sideltsev (Institute of Linguistics RAS)

Anton Zimmerling (Pushkin State Russian Language Institute / Institute of Linguistics RAS)


