
Abstract submission for talks and posters starts from:


The deadline for abstract submission is:


Link for online submission:

Oral presentation

Poster presentation

Oral: 15 Minutes
Poster: 90cm (width) x 120cm (height) 

If there are any changes, we will notify you.

Submission Rules

Who can submit?

Abstracts of research you wish to present during the meeting are welcome to be submitted. We encourage research faculties, post-docs, and graduate students to present your work at this meeting.

What to submit?

All kinds of papers regarding configural perception, including theoretical paper, methodological paper, behavioral studies, neurophysiological studies, and simulation works, are welcome to be submitted. Purely theoretical developments should relate to the substantive issues or contribute to methodologies of obvious use in configurality research. Empirical studies should provide evidence for testing the hypotheses on configural processing of objects, faces, or scenes or highlight its important roles in many parts of higher visual-cognitive processes.

Acceptance Policy

Papers will be accepted on the basis of their quality and suitability. Oral presentations will be highly encouraged. However, contributions submitted as an oral presentation may be accepted as a poster due to the limited amount of time slots available for presentation.


Configural Perception, Gestalt Psychology, Objective Perception, Face Perception, Aesthetics, Visual Neuroscience, Neuroaesthetics, Scene Perception