Thomas Just Sørensen

Short CV 

Personal Information

Name: Thomas Just Sørensen

Born: June 1st 1981, Aalborg, Denmark

Family: Living with Tina Theresa and proud father of Lucca Maud (born 2011)


2010 PhD in Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen, focus on dye synthesis, dye photophysics and physical chemistry

2006 Master's in Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen, focus on surface electrochemistry, organic synthesis and electron transfer theory

2004 Bachelor in Chemistry from the University of Copenhagen, focus on surface electrochemistry 

Employment History

2019 - CSO, Pufin ID A/S

2015 - CFO, KU dyes ApS

2015 -  CSO, FRS-systems ApS

2014 - Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2018 - 2019 CSO Tukan ID

2014 - 2014 Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2012 - 2014 Independent postdoc., University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 - 2012 Postdoc with Professor Stephen Faulkner, University of Oxford, UK

2009 - 2010 Postdoc. with Professor Bo W Laursen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2006 - 2009 Research assistant with Professor Thomas Bjørnholm, University of Copenhagen; visiting Professor Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, UCLA, USA

2005 Research assistant with Professor Klaus Bechgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2004 Teaching assistant, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Honours and Awards

2016 Villum Young Investigator

2014 Visiting Research Scholar, Keble College, Oxford

2011 The Lundbeck foundation Talent Prize 2011

2011 Research Associate, Keble College, Oxford

2006 Siemens Scholarship

2005 Carlsberg Memorial Scholarship


I have authored more than 80 papers and patents, the current list can be found here.