You'll need your MAK key (available on the Account & System Information page) and I found I needed to manually add the tivo_username and tivo_password settings before anything worked (they didn't even show on the config page). Bearing in mind the Tivo service is no longer active, I was dubious whether this would even work, and it maybe that you can enter anything into these fields once created.

Once you do that, if you want to go to the next step, PM me and I'll zip up my pytivo folder structure, which you simply place into a folder named c:\pyTivo then you simply double click within that folder to start the server. Make a shortcut to that file for future use when you want to start it. You can also set it up to run as a service, but that's not necessary. You then go to your chosen web browser and go to :9032 and chose the "Settings" link. When there, in Global Server settings, enter your MAK key, and I think that almost anything will do in the Tivo-Password and Tivo_ username fields, now that the official service has gone. Something needs to be there before you can send or receive files from the Tivo however, or even see the Tivos or files. You don't need to manually edit the pyTivo.conf file as the settings here look after that. You'll need to go to the MyMovies section and enter the path on your PC to where your video files are to be saved or retrieved from, eg. c:\my videos. You may need to enter a firewall exception for UDP Port 5353 for everything to work but you can just disable your Windows firewall then if it stops when re-enabling it later, you'll know it's necessary to configure this exception. I had some difficulty transferring usable files from Tivo to PC initially until I substituted newer versions of some converters, as I think pyTivo never knew about the MP4 used by NZ TV.

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Shows downloaded from your Tivos are encrypted mpeg2 program files saved with .TiVo file extension. With this option enabled kmttg will use tivodecode to decrypt .TiVo files to unencrypted mpeg2 program files with .mpg extension. Most often you will want this option enabled.

I, however, have always used third-party tools for this sort of thing. My Series3 works perfectly well with kmttg, which is a desktop program that simplifies transferring recordings from my TiVo to my PC, and can even decrypt and encode them for mobile devices.

TiVo still uses the same encoding, however, for the media files (saved as .TiVo files). These are MPEG files encoded with the user's Media Access Key (MAK). However, software developers have written programs such as tivodecode and tivodecode Manager to strip the MAK from the file, allowing the user to watch or send the recordings to friends.

Since I downloaded the new java now my FaceBook runs extremely slow and i get an error and page goes blank grey saying that facebook is not responding due to a long running script. Is this facebook itself or my computer screwed up? it only does this on facebook so far that i noticed. but java runs fine now, the first time i got this on my desktop using the new java...

"I am trying to play a tivo recording in Windows Media Player 12 and i received that error about the codec. So i went the Microsoft website and purchase both CinePlayer DVD decoder AND Cyberlink PowerDVD SE and neither have worked. I will appreciate any help. Thank you."

You might look at using a Tivo. With a Tivo you can put video files in a directory on your desktop and they show up in the now playing section of the Tivo. When you press play it moves it from you PC to the Tivo in the background, depending on your network speed you can start watching right away.

We also wrote a similar feature highlighting all of the PlayStation 4's apps and functionality. Really exciting stuff, it must be said. I can't wait to get Hulu and Netflix on PS4, so I no longer have to worry about my iPhone, iPad, Tivo, PS3, Xbox 360, desktop PC, laptop PC, Mac and connected TV all breaking down and not being able to watch the next episode of Melrose Place. I know I'm sounding crabby about all this, but I do understand the concept of an all-in-one entertainment and games system. It's just that I simply don't find this stuff exciting. This aspect of the machine makes it an appliance, and as with every appliance, all I care about is that it works.

In many cases, you can keep using your phone or tablet while the video plays on the TV. With the latest Mac system, Mavericks, you also can turn the Apple TV into an extension of your desktop, though your Mac and Internet connection both need to be strong.

By the end of the 1990s, IBM was nearly irrelevant to the personal computer market it had built. Microsoft had risen to nearly 90% market share ( -management/study-shows-windows-owns-desktop-market). Linux had a disconcerting combination of enormous investor hype and low market share. But Linux quietly was beginning to appear in set-top boxes and networking equipment. It was dominating the Internet server market. And a little company called Google was deploying thousands of Linux boxes to revolutionize search ( ).

Here in 2014, the world seems to be shifting in Linux's direction, as long as a Linux-derived kernel is what counts. Windows 8 has alienated Microsoft's installed base. Mobile is ascendant. Android has reached 80% smartphone share ( =prUS24442013). And last year, Chromebooks rose to take 10% of the US computer market and 21% of laptop sales, outselling Apple MacBooks ( -releases/u-s-commercial-channel-computing-device-sales-set-to-end-2013-with-double-digit-growth-according-to-npd). Yet the Linux desktop, in the pure form of Ubuntu or one of the other distros, still shuffles along with less than 2% share by most measures.

On the downside, the Windows 8 transition has been particularly jarring. Microsoft faced a tough choice: lose market share in the new tablet space or create a version of Windows and an ecosystem of applications that supports tablets well. It chose to sacrifice usability as a desktop system to win new tablet users. The result is a confusing collision of two UI worlds. Some users have gone scrambling to find an alternative, driving up sales of Chromebooks and perhaps hastening the tablet shift.

Steve Jobs warned Microsoft that trying to merge the desktop and tablet worlds wouldn't work. And so far Apple has largely stuck to that line, with success. Millions of eager buyers are willing to pay a premium for Apple products. iOS has been passed by Android in pure unit sales, but still gets more use day to day.

There are some exceptions, such as graphics, which touches many layers of the stack. The transition to compositing desktops has hurt performance on Linux scenarios where a beefy GPU isn't available. And the more functionally complex KMS/DRM driver model has had many impacts on users. OS features like support for multiple monitors that require participation at many layers have been difficult to achieve.

Some distros focus on minimizing churn and compromising by providing facilities, such as a commercial app store. Ubuntu and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are best known as playing this role on the desktop. When that plot has been lost, back-to-basics distros like Linux Mint have won converts.

Beyond the desktop, Linux leads in servers and has completely conquered the embedded market. It's impossible to conceive of any one company being able to port a commercial OS to as many CPU and device architectures as Linux has. As the embedded world transitions from 8/16-bit processors to 32-bit, billions of new devices will be running Linux inside.

The editors recognize the top-three leaders in CTI, IVR, quality monitoring, Web self-service, workforce management and optimization, contact-center outsourcing services, and agent-facing universal desktop applications. The Service Leaders rankings are derived from a weighted formula that includes financial performance as well as analyst ratings for depth of functionality, reputation for customer satisfaction, and corporate and management direction.

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When frustrated customers call customer service and support departments, they want answers immediately. One hiccup from the agent, the process, or the technology and an angry customer will only get angrier. To prevent this, however, a lot needs to happen instantly in the background--the right information needs to be retrieved in a timely manner, and then relayed to the customer in the most appropriate way. One solution helping agents keep some semblance of sanity while all of this is happening is the agent-facing universal desktop application. ff782bc1db

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