Virtual Academy Collaborative

About This Project

The Innovation Project (TIP) consortium is a group of North Carolina public school districts working together on a variety of projects to advance public education in North Carolina. One of the projects of the TIP Consortium is the creation of virtual course packages. The course packages will be available to teachers through the Canvas Commons or via download on this site. All courses on this site are created by current subject-area teachers from the TIP school districts, with logistical support from NC State University's Friday Institute for Educational Innovation.

How can these courses be used?

That's entirely up to you! Each course has a public preview (linked below). Teachers in TIP districts may use the public preview of the course to simply locate resources for use in their classroom. They can also import the course, in whole or in part, into their learning management system. Once imported, teachers are encouraged to remix, modify, and customize content for use in their classrooms. All content in courses are licensed as Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA-NC) and can be shared under similar terms and are not for commercial use.

Suggested use cases include:

  • As an electronic alternative to a textbook.
  • As a supplement to your in-class instruction.
  • Set up a "flipped" classroom.
  • Create a mastery checklist and let students proceed at their own pace.
  • For credit recovery/students on homebound.


Note: Course content can be imported to Moodle, Schoology, Haiku, etc. via the course packages. Instructions are only available for Canvas at this time.

Get the Courses!

Please use the links below to access courses. NOTE: Math III, English I/II, and Biology are currently in beta, pending revisions and edits. These courses are mostly complete, but some skills may be missing, and others may be incomplete.

Register for Updates

Registration is optional, but encouraged. Your contact information will not be shared with anyone. Registration allows the TIP Consortium to understand who is using this content, advise users of updates and broken links, and collect feedback for future courses.

Provide Feedback

Do you have feedback or suggested updates for any of these courses? Please fill out the form below.

Limited technical support for TIP courses is available by email to