Top 4 Tips for Moms

Your Best is Good enough.

1. Be your Childs Favourite Teacher.

Did you know more that 86% of a young child's vocabulary is learnt from their parents?

The early years of our children's lives are vital for developing their interest in learning. This is where you can shape their minds and make them thirsty for knowledge.

A lot of parents might simply wait until their child is the age of 4/5. Then they will take them to kindergarten or Nursery to start their education and wait for the teachers to teach them.

Thats a mistake, education should start as soon as possible.

I personally met a 1.5yr old that could take commands.

Her mother would tell her to get a flask or cup from the kitchen and off she'd go! ( they were on the floor)

Nobody Loves your children more than you. NOBODY. Even their teachers. Thats why no-one will try as hard as you to better their education.

Your children need to love learning from you. To do this you need to make education FUN.

Try reading graphic novels to them that they'd like. Then show them the movie and discuss which one was better.

Tell them stories. ( practice story telling if you have to )

Tell them they can stay up as loooong as they want, but they have to read in their room. Make them amazed with nature, space, biology. Don't wait for a boring curriculum to finally teach them what you can teach them today.

Once a child is behind, it's difficult to catch up.

Give them a Head start!

I recommend you do an education program with them at home.

Try this. They're doing a 1 month trial for $1, i've heard great things about them.

Now go create little Geniuses!

2. abandon your inner critic.

Being a good mom means that you must abandon your inner critic.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies, trust me I should know, spending hours on researching the best parenting skills.

But guess what?

No mother should ever compare herself to any other parent. Just like children, no two mothers are the same, each parenting style is different and thats OKAY!

We are always our own worst critic, and it is far too easy to compare ourselves to Susie Homemaker or Cathy Corporate and every other mom we meet on Instagram.

When have you ever seen your 3 yr old or 7 yr old watching moms on youtube or instagram?

The truth is they don't and they never will!

They only see you. So focus on yourself.

Stop comparing yourself.

And by God, stop the self criticism.

3. Date your kids individually.

Children need to feel important.

One of the best ways to make your children feel important is to spend quality time with them individually.

Yes, family time is important.

However please make sure that you have some time set aside for each child, at least once a week.

Use this time to communicate and learn about their interests.

Realising what interests your child will make you better understand them as a person, and it will greatly improve your relationship.

4. Take better care of yourself.

Self-care is an important part of being a mother.

A mom who has low energy and focus, is unable to be fully present with her children.

For example, if you are always sleepy or feeling sluggish even after sleeping, you may start forgetting basic thing like feeding your child or packing their lunch .

If you never take time out for herself you will start to feel stressed out and overworked.

When you feel overworked or tired, you're unable to do your best.

take some quality time out for yourself.


Lord knows you deserve it.

Read a book.

Soak in the tub

Exercise ( very important )

Get that body you've always wanted.

Get a pedicure.

Whatever it takes to recharge your batteries and come back refreshed, do it.

So you can keep ( because you already are one).

Being a Great Mom.