Useful Tips for Clean Painted Walls

Do you keep your floors clean? What about your walls? We tend to overlook our walls or we just paint them when the old colour wears off. Well, have you ever thought about cleaning the painted walls? If no, then you should do it. There are various ways to clean your walls and make it look new as they were painted recently.

Tips for Clean Painted Walls

Grand Painting - Best Painter in Lane Cove provide some useful tips for Clean Painted Walls:

1. Make a paste: In case there are stubborn stains on your wall, you will require making a paste. All you require is water and baking soda. Take a soft cloth, dip in the mixture, and rub over the stains. In a few minutes, you will find them disappearing.

2. Dust the old walls: If you have old walls with an old version of paints, then you should make sure to dust it dry before doing anything on it. You can buy a duster or use microfiber piece of a cloth and dust to remove the residue and debris from the wall. Do not forget to dust the corners too.

3. Mixture for oil-based paint: If you have textured or oil bases paint on your walls, then you should make a unique paste with white vinegar mixture with water and borax. However, you may need a sponge to dip in the mixture and clean the wall.

4. Plan a direction: It is important to start the cleaning from top and then go towards the bottom. You may require wiping with cleaner and then with the water. You can divide the wall into sections, and then keep completing the cleaning of every section of the wall.

5. Use mild cleaners: Do not use harsh chemicals or harsh cleaners for cleaning your wall. It may rip off the old paint and then you have to pain all over. Either you can make a mild cleanser at home using diluted ammonia, baking soda, or vinegar or get a ready made mild cleaner from the market. When getting from the market, do read the label for ingredients.

Keep a note of these points in mind when you are looking forward to clean the walls of your home other wise call the professional painter Kellyville. Do not go over the board and make a mistake which could spoil the walls and its look. Also, if you are thinking to do an experiment, then make sure to do it on a small portion of the wall.

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