Ocean water doesn't just contain salt. It's a chemical mixture, containing different minerals in quantities that reflect the different processes occurring at any given time. And marine halite may not seem particularly saturated, but it does contain tiny little pockets of water from the time the halite formed, effectively preserving a chemical record of the ocean at that time.

Their tiny water droplets, the researchers say, show a seven-fold drop in lithium concentration over the last 150 million years, and a corresponding rise in magnesium to calcium ratios. This was because of a decrease in tectonic plate activity and planetary crust production, which resulted in less hydrothermal activity, too.

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The upper panel of this image, created based on calculations by Brookhaven Lab nuclear theorist Bjoern Schenke, represents initial hot spots created by collisions of one, two, and three-particle ions with heavy nuclei. The lower panel shows the geometrical patterns of particle flow that would be expected if the small-particle collisions are creating tiny hot spots of quark-gluon plasma.

"These tiny droplets of quark-gluon plasma were at first an intriguing surprise," said Berndt Mueller, Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear and Particle Physics at Brookhaven. "Physicists initially thought that only the nuclei of large atoms such as gold would have enough matter and energy to set free the quark and gluon building blocks that make up protons and neutrons. But the flow patterns detected by RHIC's PHENIX collaboration in collisions of helium-3 nuclei with gold ions now confirm that these smaller particles are creating tiny samples of perfect liquid QGP."

"Experiments colliding smaller particles with the heavy ions were originally designed as control experiments because they weren't supposed to create the QGP," Nagle said. "But observations at the LHC of very energetic proton-proton collisions and later experiments there colliding protons with lead revealed hints that particles streaming from those tiny collisions were also behaving collectively and flowing. It looked a lot like some of the perfect liquid signatures originally discovered in gold-gold collisions at RHIC, and later in lead-lead collisions at the LHC."

There are other key signatures of QGP formation, such as the stopping of energetic particle jets, which have not been detected in the tiny droplets. And other theoretical explanations suggest the flow patterns resulting from some of the small particle-nucleus collisions could emerge from the interactions of gluons within the colliding particles, rather than from the formation of QGP.

What happens if a saturated volume of air cools or the atmospheric pressure drops? The air is no longer able to hold all that water vapor. The excess amount changes from a gas into a liquid or solid (ice). The process of water changing from a gas to a liquid is called "condensation," and when gas changes directly into a solid, it is called "deposition." These two processes are how clouds form.

Condensation happens with the help of tiny particles floating around in the air, such as dust, salt crystals from sea spray, bacteria or even ash from volcanoes. Those particles provide surfaces on which water vapor can change into liquid droplets or ice crystals.

Encyclopedic entry. Mist is tiny droplets of water hanging in the air. These droplets form when warmer water in the air is rapidly cooled, causing it to change from invisible gas to tiny visible water droplets.

Mist is tiny droplets of water hanging in the air. These droplets form when warmer water in the air is rapidly cooled, causing it to change from invisible gas to tiny visible water droplets.

Mist often forms when warmer air over water suddenly encounters the cooler surface of land. However, mist can also form when warm air from land suddenly encounters cooler air over the ocean. This is the cause of the summer fog in San Francisco, California. You can even create mist yourself, as you probably know, when you exhale the warm air from your body into the cold air.

Mist is a lot like its cousin, fog. The difference between the two depends on how well you can see. Mist is less dense than fog. If you can't see beyond one kilometer (two-thirds of a mile) in front of you, it's fog that's clouding your vision. If you can see more than that, it's just mist.

Mist caused by volcanic activity is simply hot water vapor expelled along with gases and, sometimes, lava, by a volcano. Volcanic mists are emitted by steam vents, or cracks in the Earth's surface around volcanoes and geysers. Sometimes, volcanic mists are watery clouds you can walk through. Steam vents are popular tourist attractions at Volcanoes National Park in the U.S. state of Hawaii, for example.

Sometimes, however, these volcanic mists have other chemicals in them, often causing distinct odors. Volcanologists study the chemical properties of these mists to see what rocks and gases are under the volcano. They also measure the temperature. The hotter the steam, the more likely the volcano is to erupt. A difference of only a few degrees can mean the difference between a nice mist and a steam explosion.

You'll find mist all over the world. Some of the world's most famous foggy spots, such as Scotland, in the United Kingdom, are also home to mist. Scotch mist, in fact, is a very light, steady drizzle of rain.

A large number of liquid drops each of radius r coalesce to from a single drop of radius R. The energy released in the process is converted into kinetic energy of the big drop so formed. The speed of the big drop is (given surface tension of liquid T, density ):

A large number of liquid drops, each of radius r, coalesce to form a single drop of radius R. The energy released in the process is converted into the kinetic energy of the big drop so formed. The speed of the big drop is : (T = surface tension, = density of liquid)

Thousand identical small drops of water are charged each to the same potential. they are combined to form a single big drop. the ratio of the energy of the single big drop on the total energy of all the 1000 drops is: 

Sounds gross but I lick the end of my finger and usually the pill will stick (pour a few pills out on something with an edge). Honey would work too. Also wonder if they could just capsule the tiny pill in soluble capsule at pharmacy to make it less tiny. Or pour on spoon, flick extras off and take it that way.

1) Vacuum nozzle with nylon over the end

2) Do you think a small desktop vacuum like this might work?

3) Drafting table brush and tiny dust pan.

4) Would a grabbing tool with a sticky tape on the end work? Something like a lint roller strip on an extended handle/swiffer type contraption?

The other problem is the pills are so tiny that sometimes I think I have swallowed them all but one will still be in my mouth. They can nestle between teeth and gum. After a while it is obvious because they start to dissolve and the foul taste gives it away. I am very good at swallowing pills so it is not my technique.

My hope is that by shining a spotlight on what is turning out to be a more common problem than I thought, we can draw attention to it. Maybe nobody who develops those tiny pills has ever actually seen anyone try to handle them? It makes me a little queasy to think about, but not every company is like Procter & Gamble, which requires its executives to do fieldwork in the communities it wants to serve.

I have no tremor with PD but do have the general clumsiness that can come with the rigid form. My solution for tiny pills and motor challenged hands is to use a larger box, like the flat metal box mints and some fruit candies come in (approximately 2 x 21/2 inches). I transfer my daily mix from my weekly pill organizer into it). The hinged lid is easy to open and reasonably secure in a pocket or purse. It is much easier to fish out one small pill using this system and I have less fear of dropping the whole bunch in the process of opening a smaller, less cooperative box.

Pretty blue hooded raincoat for girls by Hatley, made from impermeable, waterproof materials. This lovely raincoat has a colour changing raindrops print, which changes to pink and yellow when caught in the rain. It has useful, popper fastening front flap pockets and is fully lined in soft, breathable pink microfibre fleece for added warmth. It fastens easily at the front with a coordinating pink zip and for added safety, it has reflective logo patches on one sleeve and the front hem.

A day at the beach beset by heavy clouds or the sticky heat of a salty haze can seem like the work of large, unpredictable forces. But behind such atmospheric phenomena are billions of tiny interactions between the air and microscopic drops of saltwater cast upward as bubbles on the ocean's surface burst.

"These small drops shoot up with a velocity that puts them high up in the atmosphere. This is happening as soon as you have bubbles in seawater, and you have bubbles as soon as you have waves. It's happening all the time," said Deike, who studies air-sea interactions and the dynamics of breaking waves.

Anyone who has ever had a glass of fizzy soda knows that bubbles can throw tiny particles into the air. But in a finding with wide industrial applications, Princeton researchers have demonstrated that the bursting bubbles push some particles down into the liquid as well.

Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly their eyes.

While clouds in their varied forms and appearances (See Cloud Atlas) are a source of much interest, we will leave them now and continue up the Precipitation Ladder toward the top rung: Precipitation. Forming Precipitation Light Rain We know that not all clouds produce rain that strikes the ground. Some may produce rain or snow that evaporates before reaching the ground, and most clouds produce no precipitation at all. When rain falls, we know from measurements that the drops are larger than one millimeter. A raindrop of diameter 2 mm contains the water equivalent of a million cloud droplets (0.02 mm diameter). So if we are to get some precipitation from a cloud, there must be additional process within the cloud to form raindrops from cloud droplets. e24fc04721

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