I'm a fifth year PhD student studying theoretical computer science at MIT. I am lucky to be advised by Virginia Vassilevska Williams. Previously, I obtained a B.S. degree in Computer Science and Math from MIT.

Interested in pursuing a PhD in (theoretical) computer science?Here's a talk (slides) I gave for Columbia's Demystifying the Dissertation series on the experience of doing research in theory and PhD life more generally, and here's one (slides) from a later iteration of the series that discusses the application process in a little more detail. If you're ready to explore the possibilities of a PhD in CS, here's some advice on considering and applying to grad school that I wrote shortly after deciding to join Columbia.

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We implemented pedagogical strategies designed to give students greater control over the use of class time and grading methods in a major-required computer science theory (CST) course. Our methodology addresses the challenges inherent in transferring more power to students in a lecture-based class with a curriculum that requires the sequential mastery of formal mathematical concepts.

Mathematics teaches us to ask questions like "What is the value of f(x)?", "Do any objects of type Y exist?", and "Is Z true?" Theoretical computer science builds on this tradition, expanding our field of inquiry to include questions like "How much time (and other limited resources) does it take to evaluate f(x)?", "Can I write down formal instructions for finding a Y?", and "Can the truth of Z be computed?" In theoretical computer science, we define problems formally and think about how hard they are to solve under various models of computation. 17dc91bb1f

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