
I'm currently an economist at the Balance of Payment directorate of the Banque de France.

I'm also affiliated with the Collège de France, Economics of Institutions, Innovation and Growth Chair, as an associate researcher.

My main research interests are firm dynamics in an open economy context. In particular, I study how uncertainty affects their decision making and how their choices impact the diffusion of innovations.

Fields: International Trade & Capital Flows, Uncertainty, Firm Dynamics, Innovation

New Publication:

Cross-border investments and uncertainty: Firm-level evidence (with R. Cezar and F. Tripier ), in press Journal of International Money and Finance. (WP CEPII)

New Working Paper:

Trade Networks and Natural Disasters ( with Mélina London)

In the press:

Coronavirus: pourquoi l'Allemagne dispose de tests et pas la France, with Philippe Aghion and Elie Cohen, Les Echos (03/2020)

Masques, respirateurs, tests... Pourquoi la France doit repenser sa politique industrielle après la crise du coronavirus, with Philippe Aghion, Cecilia Bellora, Elie Cohen and Sebastien Jean, Challenge (04/2020)

Some elements of the columns above also featured in a New York Times article: How France Lost the Weapons to Fight a Pandemic (05/2020)


Collège de France

Contact information

E-mail: timothee.gigout.magiorani(-at-)gmail.com

Twitter: @Timplot_ado