Tim McGarvey is a results driven business internet marketing consultant specializing in social media strategy, reputation marketing and traffic generation. As a Growth Strategist and marketing consultant Tim believes in developing long term, practical marketing strategies for his clients that helps them achieve their business goals. His battle tested strategies and systems are thoughtful, sustainable, measurable and scalable. Don't let your experiences with social media consultants, SEO experts and web design firms leave you thinking that nothing works. As a proven marketing consultant, Tim McGarvey generates a flow of new customers to your business that can be scaled to reach your business goals. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how your business can grow.
You may often wonder what really Internet marketing is. Well, there have been many definitions formulated by various gurus of Internet marketing. Individuals who have tried out the huge and lucrative business opportunity of Internet marketing also have provided various interpretations of it. Though several such definitions and interpretations have been suggested yet hundreds and thousands of aspiring internet marketers are still in the quest for getting the exact definition of Internet marketing. Such Internet marketing aspirants want to get a clear idea of what exactly they are seeking to get into.
In an endeavor to determine the much wanted exact definition of Internet marketing we can examine some situations. With the question of defining Internet marketing being put forward to some 100 individuals- 99 of them point out to the search engine as the ultimate path finder in this regard. Then one can go to one's favorite search engine and type in the words "define Internet marketing" and click on the searching icon to give...the results.
In the search results pages the top pages will be the ones displaying information/web pages of marketing veterans established as pioneers of Internet marketing. Such persons have rightfully secured a spot to provide a definition of Internet marketing from their viewpoint. There are, however, the placement ads on search result pages and glancing upon them will reveal another story altogether.
It is with the intention of helping websites get more traffic or hits that most of the ads related with Internet marketing have been set up. Indeed Internet traffic is the lifeblood of any website and the sites thrive on Internet traffic. Now we may combine this concept with the traditional concept of marketing conduction with the Internet acting as the marketing medium here. The following conclusion providing a definition of Internet marketing can be arrived at:
"Internet marketing consultant is an income-generating opportunity dependent on the utilization of interactive technology (via the Internet) to build a dialog with potential clients by connecting with them through quality content about your product and/or service offerings".
Thus, the interactive technology specified as the "Internet" is to be utilized for fulfillment of Internet marketing. Different Internet marketing services existing are involved in the utilization of the Internet. These are the services which are requisite of the Internet to be able to perform its specific tasks in the capacity of marketing medium between Internet marketers and clients pertaining to them.
In order to keep alive their online business all online entrepreneurs need to familiarize themselves with Internet marketing services. These are the services which are vital for their online business's development and also for making their Internet marketing careers successful.
Information on some basic Internet marketing services is provided here for you to learn about and familiarize yourself with:
Search Engine Optimization- In order to locate websites and finding useful information on the Web the search engines are used. These are powerful tools used by most Internet users for finding the information they are seeking. Efforts need to be made so as to ensure that your site is appearing on the top pages of a search engine page result. By search engine optimization i.e. optimizing your website by reengineering its contents you can expect to secure better search engine placements.
Indexing- The procedure of submission of your web pages for search engine registration and registration in various Internet based directories is involved in indexing.
Keyword research- The highly searched keywords and key phrases relevant to your online business can be identified by keyword research.
SEO consultation need- Internet marketers who are novices in the field can well invest with an SEO consultant. This is suggested if you wish to receive help in planning the methods of successfully marketing your website.
Use net- The Use net is a fast and efficient method for generating targeted traffic for your website. This involves a worldwide bulletin board system in which there are over 14,000 forums covering every interest group. Everyday this is commonly used by millions of individuals all over the world.
E-mail marketing procedures- An electronic mail is made use of here. This is sent to a list of subscribers who wish to receive updates of your products and services. E-mail marketing is a popular Internet marketing advertising method.
Press releases services- Useful information concerning your online business (website) like site launches, special products on offer or other helpful information are announced through press releases. In order to ensure that more people are attracted towards your site the press releases are carefully drafted.
These are the basic and essential ones among the Internet marketing services. There are various other Internet marketing services available too. In order to be successful in your Internet marketing business you need to carefully integrate any of these in your online business so that the best results are derived.
Internet Marketing Services Are Using These Same Techniques
With the multitude of internet marketing services and techniques that you hear about daily as you get bombarded with promotional material after promotional material in our emails you come to realize two things. The rationalization of these two main focal points are what lead many online marketers to their doom.
The first thing you come to terms with as you start to focus is how truly overwhelming all of this is! You can't possibly learn all of these new internet marketing techniques fast enough, master them and implement them effectively all at one time so that you can begin to promote your products, services or affiliate programs.
This brings you to the second realization. You need help! So you decide to hire internet marketing services that are provided by outside experts and so called gurus that promise to help you bring in more traffic, help you build your email list and ultimately increase your monthly sales volume. Don't worry we've all made this mistake, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Take One Day To Evaluate All Of Your Resources
I can't stress how important this is. Internet marketing services FEED on your frustrations! They know that you are bombarded daily by emails that you get from other internet marketing veterans that want to sell you their own products and services. In fact they're counting on the fact that you've actually bought and paid for several of these and that at this point you're so way beyond frustrated that you'll do anything, even PAY THEM MONEY to provide you their own internet marketing services that are using the same internet marketing techniques that you could be using yourself for free.
Cancel The Majority Of Your Subscriptions
This is hard for most of us to do. We've grown to depend on the advice of these so called internet marketing services, experts and gurus. There is a symbiotic co-dependent relationship formed that has gotten you in the rut you're in. I'm sure that most of the people you get all these emails are nice, but their bottom line is NOT to be you're friend. They want to make money online just like YOU want to make money online. The key thing to consider here is that you need to STOP giving them your money and STOP spending all that time reading the tons and tons of emails, so that you can focus on what works and take action.
Stop Paying Internet Marketing Service Providers
This is often the hardest link in your chain to break. What little success that you've achieved thus far is only there because of your internet marketing efforts. In that back of your mind you're telling yourself that the internet marketing services that are provided by online providers are working, just not quite as well as you want them too. The truth is that their using the exact same internet marketing techniques that everyone else is and these techniques are NOT hard to learn! When you stop paying for all the internet marketing services and start focusing your time and money more directly on taking ACTION you'll notice that you're paying out less money and yet at the same time your monthly income and website page ranks are still increasing.
Now Is The Time To Take Action And Start Profiting
I realize that things are still very overwhelming, especially if you're just getting started or if you've have a history of trial and error which has brought you in little or no success. Take a deep breath, relax, relate, release and let go of that past that has haunted you. Let go of the overwhelming frustration that comes from inexperience if that is the problem. Internet marketing services and all these so called new internet marketing techniques are NOT the answer. Here's a clue to get you started;
Social Networking & Social Marketing Is Not New
From the early days of the internet there have been internet marketing services that provided advertising services on bulletin boards, which later lead people to going online using dial up connections and creating social networks of their own through their AOL or other ISP connections. This is how things were done in the early days. What has changed isn't the concept of social networking & marketing or internet marketing services. The real change that people are talking so much about with the whole buzz of the Web 2.0 craze isn't social networking & marketing at all, it's the fact that it's become so incredibly easy!
With WYSIWYG The Learning Curve Is No Longer Steep
Social Networking & Marketing is definitely getting more popular with the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) interfaces that we see on MySpace, Squidoo, YouTube, Facebook and the "groups" that you can join through Yahoo, MSN and the almighty Google. The new advancements make things easy to customize, add video and in many cases create your own "squeeze page" that you can publish and then use to promote your products, services and affiliate programs.
This is the secret to the internet marketing services that many of you are already paying for. Using these same principals there are online blogs and forums that you can use as well and these are no secret either. The only thing that makes it harder for newbies and people who have failed in the past is that they either don't know HOW, they don't know WHERE or they don't fully understand WHY certain things are done the way they are.
One last thing to give you something to think about before I go
Please bare in mind that this is solely based on my own biased opinion, which comes from years of experience as a web designer, web host and internet marketing promoter. My thoughts on all of this are simple if you would like to save an incredible amount of time, energy and money. Try by focusing on ONE THING at a time and learn everything you can. There are video, audio and pdf style tutorials readily available at reasonable prices. All you need to do is find ONE SOURCE that you can get as much material from as possible at a reasonable price and then begin your learning experience.
Tim McGarvey, Inc.
223 W 38th Street #1060
New York, NY 10018
(646) 791-1993
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/timmcgarveyinternetmarketing/
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/timmcgarveyinternetmarketing/
Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P40lNSOC6FQI36-WLvHvu78ZaU4hEyto?usp=drive_open
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DracoKairos