Tim Krieger
I am the Wilfried Guth Professor of Constitutional Political Economy and Competition Policy at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.
Most of my research is on institutions, factor mobility (esp. migration) and/or conflict.
January 14, 2025: Malte Dold's and my chapter "Market Democracy, Rising Populism, and Contemporary Ordoliberalism" is now out in Liberal Responses to Populism, edited by Karen Horn, Stefan Kolev and Julian F. Müller.
December 14, 2024: Christine Meemann, Stefan Traub and I have strongly revised our working paper on intragenerational redistribution, which is now available under a new title: "Inequality, Life Expectancy, and the Alienation Effect: Insights from a Real-Effort Experiment on the Intragenerational Redistribution Puzzle".
September 5, 2024: Now available is a short video on Youtube explaining the idea and main contributions of our paper "Foreshadowing Mars: Religiosity and Conflict in Pre-Enlightenment Europe" (joint with Luke Barber and Michael Jetter).
April 29, 2024: My paper "Paying Them to Hate US: The Effect of U.S. Military Aid on Anti-American Terrorism, 1968-2018" (joint with Eugen Dimant and Daniel Meierrieks) has been accepted for publication in the Economic Journal.
April 29, 2024: A revised version of "Foreshadowing Mars: Religiosity and Conflict in Pre-Enlightenment Europe" by Luke Barber, Michael Jetter, and me is now available.
April 12, 2024: Daniel Meierrieks's and my chapter "Economic Freedom, Peace, and Violent Conflict" is now out in the Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom (ed. by Niclas Berggren).
January 9, 2024: A revised version of Malte Dold's and my working paper "Market Democracy, Rising Populism, and Contemporary Ordoliberalism" is now available.
November 7, 2023: New working paper "Foreshadowing Mars: Religiosity and pre-Enlightenment warfare" by Luke Barber, Michael Jetter, and me is now available.
July 5, 2023: Daniel Nientiedt's and my paper "The Renaissance of Ordoliberalism in the 1970s and 1980s" has been accepted for publication in Constitutional Political Economy (open access).
June 30, 2023: Daniel Meierrieks's and my paper "Economic Freedom, Peace, and Violent Conflict" has been accepted for publication in the Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom (ed. by Niclas Berggren, forthcoming in 2024).
May 21, 2023: Malte Dold's and my paper on "The Ideological Use and Abuse of Freiburg's Ordoliberalism" is now published in an issue in Public Choice (open access).
March 28, 2023: My edited volume "Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance" (with Diana Panke and Michael Pregernig) is now available open access.
February 18, 2023: My paper "The Risks of Nation-Building through Military Aid and Intervention" (with Eugen Dimant and Daniel Meierrieks) is now out in a collected e-volume titled "Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures", edited by Dominic Rohner and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (CEPR Press, London).
January 30, 2023: Malte Dold's and my review of Kenneth Dyson's "Conservative Liberalism, Ordo-liberalism, and the State", is now out in the Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. In addition to the review of the book itself, it contains some more general thoughts on a contemporary ordoliberalism.
December 16, 2022: My paper "Polygyny, Conflict and Gender Inequality: A Cautionary Tale" (with Laura Renner) is now available in an issue of Global Society.
December 4, 2022: My chapter "Economic Perspectives" (with Daniel Meierrieks) is out now in an edited volume titled "Radicalization in Theory and Practice: Understanding Religious Violence in Western Europe" (open access).
November 30, 2022: A new working paper is out: "The Renaissance of Ordoliberalism in the 1970s and 1980s" (with Daniel Nientiedt).
October 12, 2022: My paper "Oil and Property Rights" (with Indra de Soysa and Daniel Meierrieks) is available for download (open access) now in Resources Policy.
October 8, 2022: A new chapter titled "Vom Untergang eines ehrbaren Staates: Hermann Kasacks Der Webstuhl (1949) aus der Sicht der wirtschaftlichen Staatswissenschaft" is now available.
May 17, 2022: A forum titled "Die Rückkehr der Imperien? Putins Krieg und seine globalen Implikationen" with my contribution "Militärimperium ohne wirtschaftliche Basis" is now available in the Journal of Modern European History.
April 12, 2022: A new paper titled "Der Ordoliberalismus: Begriff, historische Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Debatte" (with Daniel Nientiedt) is now available in WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium.
April 8, 2022: Two new working papers are available now: "Can Moral Reminders Curb Corruption? Evidence from an Online Classroom Experiment" (with Corinna Claus and Ekkehard Köhler) and "Inequality, Life Expectancy, and the Intragenerational Redistribution Puzzle: Some Experimental Evidence" (with Christine Meemann and Stefan Traub).
January 15, 2022: My paper "Measuring Intra-generational Redistribution in PAYG Pension Schemes" (with Jonas Klos and Sven Stöwhase) has now been published (open access) in an issue of Public Choice.
November 30, 2021: My paper "Class Warfare: Political Exclusion of the Poor and the Roots of Social-Revolutionary Terrorism, 1860-1950" (with Valentin Klotzbücher and Daniel Meierrieks) has now been published (open access) in an issue of Defence and Peace Economics.
July 21, 2021: Malte Dold and I presented our edited volume "Ordoliberalism and European Economic Policy: Between Realpolitik and Economic Utopia" (Routledge) at the New Books Network podcast. Check here.