T i m i

J o l a o s o

 “You have to do what you have to do to be
who you have to be for the sake of yourself and others." 

Timi Jolaoso started writing at the age of 7 and identifies himself as an extrovert who does everything in an introverted way. He is a poet, mechanical engineer by profession but also has fun sharpening his designer skills at home. He enjoys having meaningful conversations about things that matter and has the ability to find humour in the ongoing struggles of life. He began writing when he was young to escape the realities of life.

He released his first chapbook “Love Is An Open Door” with co-author Reena Doss last year in May 2020. Timi has also been busy developing his personal brand name and business––Creozoe which means “to create life”. His everyday aspiration is to become the best version of himself especially in the little things that make up his whole day. He currently resides in Canada.

Timi Jolaoso has been involved in contributing to a lot of communities in the past. His other manuscripts are in the process of getting edited and finalised but he hopes to publish them as soon as possible. Timi believes that if his books could change a life, it would be the height of literary success to him. He wishes to be a divine inspiration, a catalyst that propels another into becoming their best possible self through the power of words and imagery.

Follow him on Instagram, Amazon, Goodreads or check out her website at www.creozoe.com.

Depression is an expression
about something that you deeply care about
but which isn’t as important
to those who are important to you,
not because they don’t care, but because
you are the one with the power
to make beauty out of the ashes
of what you care about.


Contact the author—
Timi Jolaoso @creozoe
to connect with her creative journey.