Rate and speed are similar since they both represent some distance per unit time like miles per hour or kilometers per hour. If rate r is the same as speed s, r = s = d/t. You can use the equivalent formula d = rt which means distance equals rate times time.

Use this time and date duration calculator to find out the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the times on two different dates. To add or subtract time from a date, use the Time Calculator.

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Calculating the duration between two times can be a little tricky depending on the numbers of minutes and seconds in the two times being compared. As an example, the following are the steps to determine the number of hours and minutes between two chosen times within the same day:

I am creating a form for use by field personnel to use during hydrant flushing. Along with other data I want to capture how long the hydrant flushed. I am thinking i can put two questions in my survey asking start time and end time. I would like to auto populate this field with the current time when the hydrant is opened rather then when the survey is started, then again capture the time when the hydrant is closed. Can this be done or are my field guys going to have to dial in the times manually. Then I need to calculate the duration of flush (this could be minutes to over an hour) so I can multiply by the flow rate to measure the water used during flushing. Can this be done in Survey123 or will I need to do this on the back end. Any help is appreciated.

You can also calculate the number of minutes or hours elapsed between two moments in time, right from your mobile device. You will find some information about this in the -and-time-in-survey123-for-arcgis blog post. For example, you can calculate the time elapsed in minutes between two Date/Time objects by using this expression:

As described in the blog post referenced, Date/Time calculations use EPOCH time (milliseconds since 1970). This is the case for Survey123 for ArcGIS version 1.x We are currently working on version 2.0 where the time calculations will be done in Decimal Time. We will write in depth about this change in a couple of weeks. If you happen to build a calculation with Date/Time using EPOCH operations (as above) you will want to stay tuned for this change to Decimal Date in 2.0.

Yes, you can create a calculate question that subtracts the start time from the end time. Note that the results currently are milliseconds - the answer will need to be divided by 60*1000 (60 sec/min * 1000 ms/sec) to generate minutes. Additionally, please note that we are planning to switch the behavior of date fields so that the results will be in days (and thus need to get multiplied by 24*60) in a post-2.0 release of Survey123.

If we enter now() in all four fields, the same time is populated. We'd like an easy way to update to the current time for fields 2 through 4 without our endusers needing to look at their watch and scroll to the new time.

The latest Great Wall release has fixed the behaviour of now() so that it re-calculates. This means that if you clear a time field with now() in the calculation field and then return to enter a new value it will populate the field with the current time. Previously I think it would return the time when the form was first loaded.

Now when the select-one is checked the time is recorded. If you un-check and re-check the box it will update the time at the re-check, so people can amend things if they accidentally selected it too soon.

I am working on a form for capturing time taken cooking particular food item by the cook of the house. For example i have question asking start and end of the cooking. How can i calculate or get the time taken to cook the food ? i have following data

Need help with my iRules, basically i am trying to calculate the time take when the F5 receives a request and sends it to the client. This gives me the time for how long the request took on our side before releasing it to the client. However i have seem some descrepancies with certain requests.

%(FORMAT)T outputs the date-time string resulting from using FORMATas a format string for strftime(3). The associated argument is thenumber of seconds since Epoch, or -1 (current time) or -2 (shellstartup time). If no corresponding argument is supplied, the currenttime is used as default.

I came across it today while working on a script that would take dates and times from a log file and compute the delta. The script below is certainly overkill, and I highly recommend checking my logic and maths.

which gives me a total time elapsed in minutes. I then build my dashboards to take those calculated fields and do averages or whatnot. A bigger problem is that my times often cross different days (one common example is length of stay - which I calculate in hours because I have different reporting requirements if that is

Here is a thread that has a lot of time based solutions. Feel free to browse through them (I think there are currently 5 pages). If you can't find exactly what you need or need help adapting a solution to fit, feel free to let me know, and we can walk through some things together.

@Cody Staub Smartsheet does not currently have time formatting/functions/calculations built in, but from my understanding they are working on it. In the meantime that means we are stuck with using workarounds. You have already cut out some of the more complicated bit by using 24 hours times.

Thank you for the input. I think I changed the formula to match your feedback. On the date overlap piece...my data sometimes includes a date overlap, but not always. I need my final formula to work with either scenario.

If you compile an empty loop, which has no side effects (which in your example case means that reading K has no side effects), then the execution time should be zero, since the compiler will optimize it out seeing it performs nothing useful.

FMLA leave may be taken in periods of whole weeks, single days, hours, and in some cases even less than an hour. The employer must allow employees to use FMLA leave in the smallest increment of time the employer allows for the use of other forms of leave, as long as it is no more than one hour. If an employer uses different increments for different types of leave (for example, accounting for sick leave in 15 minute increments and vacation leave in one day increments), the employer must allow FMLA leave to be used in the smallest increment used for any other type of leave. Similarly, if an employer allows for use of leave in different increments during specific times of the day (for example, requiring a one hour increment of leave at the start of the shift and using 15 minutes increments for leave at other times), the employer may use the same increment for FMLA leave at those specific times of the day. An employer may always allow FMLA leave in shorter increments than used for other forms of leave but no work may be performed during any period of time counted as FMLA leave.

Required overtime hours that are not worked by the employee because of an FMLA-qualifying reason may be counted as FMLA leave. However, voluntary overtime hours not worked due to an FMLA-qualifying reason may not be counted as FMLA leave.

For additional information, visit our Wage and Hour Division Website: and/or call our toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).

I want to calculate the time required to execute a FOR loop. I know how many cycles are required to execute those instructions( I got it from the assembly code).I want to calculate the time required to execute those cycles.

Not quite following you. If you know how many cycles it takes to execute the code, then multiply by the clock rate. Perhaps you're thinking the flash has wait-states? The easiest way to time the for() loop then is set a GPIO before the loop, and clear it after the loop. Measure using a scope. If you really want to be exact, you need to subtract the couple of cycles it takes for the GPIO to clear at the end (you do not need to subtract the setting at the beginning, since the pin goes high AFTER those cycles elapse in the code).

Say that your pre-processing time involves receiving the orders, reviewing the number of orders for that day, and making sales requests to your production team. You track time on all these activities and see that they take 10 minutes to complete for each order. Roughly speaking, this pre-processing time involves Order Handling Time and Manufacturing Lead Time.

Now, as previously mentioned, the Lead Time used in manufacturing is the time component usually associated with Takt Time and Cycle Time. Namely, as Lead Time encompasses the time from product order to product delivery, it also includes Cycle Time as a vital sub-component (Cycle Time = processing time).

Workload consists of all the activities required to effectively manage caseload. The ASHA Workload Calculator is designed to help school based SLPs identify the amount of time spent on direct and indirect services, compliance, including paperwork, and other daily activities. Gain insights on how your weekly scheduled hours compare to the number of actual hours spent performing each task and see a breakdown of your workload activities. e24fc04721

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