The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1/1/1970), but 'epoch' is often used as a synonym for Unix time.Some systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038).The converter on this page converts timestamps in seconds (10-digit), milliseconds (13-digit) and microseconds (16-digit) to readable dates.

Please note: All tools on this page are based on the date & time settings of your computer and use JavaScript to convert times. Some browsers use the current DST (Daylight Saving Time) rules for all dates in history. JavaScript does not support leap seconds.

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The unix time stamp is a way to track time as a running total of seconds. This count starts at the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC. Therefore, the unix time stamp is merely the number of seconds between a particular date and the Unix Epoch. It should also be pointed out (thanks to the comments from visitors to this site) that this point in time technically does not change no matter where you are located on the globe. This is very useful to computer systems for tracking and sorting dated information in dynamic and distributed applications both online and client side.

On this date the Unix Time Stamp will cease to work due to a 32-bit overflow. Before this moment millions of applications will need to either adopt a new convention for time stamps or be migrated to 64-bit systems which will buy the time stamp a "bit" more time.

I work at a transit agency and have developed an alert system using Survey123 Connect and Operations Dashboard. Dispatch uses the form to submit alerts that is visualized in a dashboard and used by our Call Center. The first line in the form is a Date/Time that is auto-populated using the now() function. The issue I'm having is Dispatch opens the form and it could sit there for 20 minutes or an hour before they submit a form and the time stamp is populated with the time that they opened the form and not when it was submitted. I know we could instruct them to refresh the form before they fill it out but they already have a lot going on so I'm trying to keep this simple for them. I also suggested removing the now() function and having the Date/Time question at the bottom of the form that Dispatch would have to manually fill out before submission but management does not like that idea either.

While trying to figure something else out, I stumbled across a new option for having specific actions date/time stamped using the stem generated Modified (date) type column and the new Copy Row automation.

I have the system generated Modified (date) column. I have another set of columns that separates the date from the time for further calculations, but you could even use a single extra column that simply duplicates the Modified column.

Sheet 1 has a listing of weekly availability on an automatically rolling schedule that updates to show only availability AFTER date/time of most recent update on any of the three sheets. That was tricky, but I ended up collecting data from the most recently modified row on each sheet, turning it into a stamp of yyyymmddhhmm, then cell linking across the sheets.

@Mike Wilday and @Paul Newcome I was hoping to find something like this - but I'm not what I'd call a superuser so hoping I'm doing something wrong. We have a sheet to track visitor time spent at a resource center. Back in 2020, Paul, you kindly wrote time calculation formulas for me for which I have been eternally grateful!! But now folks want to simplify - and goof proof - time/date entries. Time spent often spans 2 shifts of employees. Shift 1 Intake staff enters (by form) persons name, etc and I've created a time stamp auto generated column for day and time to capture arrival date and time. Shift 2 would use an automated line entry request to enter day and time leaving (and occasionally that spans more than 1 day). We'd like to have it auto-generated as well. I tried date modified but the problem with that was when staff reviewed data entry, if they had to correct spelling of the visitor's name -sadly, frequently - then that changed modified time - skewing the data we need of time spent. I tried your record date automation - but it's only the date. By the end of each month (we report monthly) there can be 700-800 lines each representing one visit so it didn't sound like your copy row was probably a good option. None of our company super users had any other ideas and since you seemed to know time, I thought I'd ask! Thank you for at least reading this!! Joanne

On my laptop, I view Facebook via the Firefox browser. When viewing posts from other people, the date/time stamp is no longer visible, just blank space. Only If I use my mouse and hover over the area, the date/time stamp pops up. V. 113.0.2

This issue has been present since v10 was first released two or more years ago. I use AutoHotKey to do this on Windows. Other applications are available. AHK means I can format whatever date/time format I wish by default using AHK.

@agsteele, it seems counterproductive to use an outside service to set what should be integral to the product (ENv10). I'm new here and relatively new to EN - but the date/time format is an issue. I would like to see EN allow a user to set their preferred date/time format - for me, that would be yyyy:mm:dd:hh: mm:ss (using the 24-hour clock). Americans, British and other users may prefer another format, so selecting the format in 'preferences' should be possible.

Thanks Brian, this is almost what I am looking for! Can the code also allow the time to change as the clip plays? E.g. Clip starts at 13:44 and ends at 13:47 and the text filter is true to this time change?

I need your help. I want to collect timestamp in format of 03/24/2016 07:20:01 for each of data. I did coding in a way as timestamp file. But my output data is different format. It shows fraction in second value. I changed it several ways and it did not work. Can you please help me?

Hi Jeff, I am developing an app which requires multiple checkboxs to be activated and when they change they need a date time stamp in the next 2 fields, the first time stamp for the initial change and the second timestamp on any further changes (last submitted times) I have 6 of these on a posts page and therefore can only use the time stamp for the submission of the post itself. The other 5 checkboxs need a unique time stamp when they are activated or changed for the first time. These checkboxs are being run from the edit screen within the glide app. l have used scripts calling the onEdit function however they only work when I edit the sheet and not when glide posts to the sheet. Can you help me find a solution that works? Thanks

I am needing to utilize date and time stamping on videos and photos in my work. The pictures and videos must display time, a date, and reference number. I have gone through the cd, owner's manuel and software manuel and I am unclear if I can perform this function.

While this is a relatively common feature on point & shoot cameras -- where the photo is thought of as a snapshot to document a memory in a person's life, among DSLR cameras it's not very common (I don't actually know of a DSLR that does this though I don't doubt that it may exist). DSLR users are usually expecting a higher quality image -- so now the image is thought of more like art and less like a snapshot and the date/time in the corner distracts from the image. Also they tend to be more advanced users who would be able to modify the image themselves so they have little need for such a feature.

SO... there are programs that will just do this. You'll need to do a search (I found several but have never tried one so I can't vouch for them). I think there are Photoshop plug-ins that do this (assuming you have Photoshop). These programs allow you to define the info you want printed (including EXIF data such as date/time) and you get to pick the location, font, size, color, etc. and ultimately the location on the image where you'd like the info displayed. They then add the info visibly onto the image for you and most support "batch" use (e.g. drop a whole folder of images on it and they'll do them all.)

After some digging, it looks like your location is missing the time zone which is why the events are showing in UTC. You may be able to self-correct this by re-saving your geolocation in the mobile app:

Ā SmartThings Support Locations in the SmartThings appYour Location in the SmartThings app is the main launch pad for your connected Hubs, devices, Scenes, and Automations. You can create a Location for multiple homes and share access with your friend...

My Schlage app shows the right time, but is off by one day in the history. It shows the event correctly and at the right time, but not the right day. It is off by one. Today it is showing Monday, September 18.

The issue is that after installing this new store, while I do see fewer certificates being added, I continue to see a number of time-stamp certificates being added to the CurrentUser/CA store. I was hoping someone knew where these certificates we coming from and how I could perhaps pre-install them so they do not appear during the test. Thank you for your advice.

In the power table, my time stamp data is shown as yyyy-MM-dd, as in 2023-01-01 12:34:56.789. However, when I save the file and it opens in Excel, the time stamps now read as mm:ss.x, as in 34:56.8. The events I'm logging happen over the course of many hours, so times of this format are near worthless. Is there a way around this alteration within the scripting? Or is this a limitation of .CSV and I should try exporting a .XML or .PDF?

Hey Mason, did you find a good fix for this? I'm pulling data from a SQL database into my Power Table and exporting out into an Excel file instead of a CSV after reading this forum. This did change it from the mm:ss.x to the date, but not date and time like we want. I see Excel has an option for Date+hr:mm but not date+hr:mm:ss. I think if we could drop the seconds we could get around this by using the Excel file instead of the CSV. e24fc04721

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