Synopsis: In the early 18th century, a large proportion of children were dying from pox. American scientists discovered that if children were deliberately injected with a small dose of pox, it would immunize them. Sometimes, however, it killed them. Famous leaders debated in the colonial newspapers as to whether it was proper to inoculate your family.

James Frankin, Ben's Brother, Editor of the New England Courant



Rev. Cotton Mather, Leader of Boston

“I do seriously believe that it [inoculation] is a Delusion of the Devil; and that there was never the like Delusion in New-England since the Time of the Witchcraft at Salem, when so many innocent Persons lost their Lives, and afterwards some of them that were instrumental in taking their Lives away regretted it.

If a man should willfully throw a bomb into a town or burn a house, ought he not be executed? If he should willfully bring infection from a person sick of a deadly disease into a healthy home, is not the mischief just as great?”


Exodus 4:11

“GOD has graciously supported the Practice of Inoculation, among us in Boston, where some Scores [score=20], yea above a hundred have been inoculated, & not one miscarried; but they Bless GOD, for His showing this Experiment to them.

But let us beseech those that have call’d this process the Work of the devil, or a going to the devil, no more to allow the cursed thought, or utter the horrid word, lest they be found critical of a most merciful and wonderful Work of GOD.”


Numbers 21:8-9