society of the Cincinnati

When the American Revolution ended, many leaders wished to retain a fraternity that would continue to meet for years to come. As George Washington was often likened to the Roman Leader, Cincinnatus, who gave up immense power to become a simple farmer, the name of the veteran's group was "The Society of the Cincinnati." The group not only met in the years after the Revolution, it continues to exist today with the heirs of the Revolution's officers as its current members.

This time machine will be a meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati, circa 1795. Each student will portray a Revolutionary War participant with a great story to tell. The nature of "war stories" is that as time goes on, they become more dramatic, embellished, somewhat mythological. So the participants in this time machine will tell a story, but with flair, exaggeration, and the making of a legend.

GREAT STORIES OF CINCINNATUS should be embellished from materials found at these links:

Washington's Legendary Boyhood

Washington's arm strength

Washington dodging bullets in the French & Indian War

Washington driving the Redcoats from Boston without a battle

Washington miraculously escaping from Brooklyn Heights 

Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas night

Washington inspiring his distraught troops at Valley Forge

Washington's genius with counter-intelligence

Washington discovering the betrayal of Benedict Arnold

The British Surrender to Washington at Yorktown

Washington resigning his commission at Annapolis and becoming Cincinnatus

President Washington leading troops to confront the Whiskey Rebels

President Washington retiring from the Presidency after 8 years, setting a precedentÂ