
Writing a Portrait

In the formal study of literature, describing something as like another thing (eg Burns: 'O, my love is like a red, red rose...') or as something else (eg. saying a child is 'as good as gold') is called using a simile; saying that something is something (eg. 'The Wolf of Wall Street' or 'You ain't nothing but a hound-dog') is called using a metaphor.

If Only They Could Talk

There's a long and fascinating tradition of liturgical and religious dramas, going from the miracle and mystery plays of the Middle Ages, through the Oberammergau Passion Play, to modern works like the T.S.Eliot's Murder In The Cathedral and contemporary works like Michael Sheen's The Passion of Port Talbot (see:


Tom Wright (2012) How God Became King: Getting To The Heart of The Gospels. London: SPCK.