Ph.D. Economist 

thuegerich (at)

Fields - applied microeconomics: labor, i/o, development



Google Scholar profile

Working Papers

Interpreting High Returns to Microenterprise Investment 

The Implications of Search Frictions for Measuring Workers' Preferences for Job Characteristics


nbstata - a Jupyter kernel for Stata based on pystata

Theology - Read some James Alison. This talk is a good introduction. An excerpt:

The key phrase which I never tire of repeating is “We desire according to the desire of the other”... This doesn’t sound particularly challenging when it is illustrated in the way the entertainment industry creates celebrities, or the advertising profession manages to make particular objects or brands desirable. For few of us are so grandiose as to deny that some of our desires show us as being easily led and susceptible to suggestion. It becomes much more challenging when it is claimed that in fact it is not some of our desires that are being talked about, but the whole way in which we humans are structured by desire.

A Catholic Economist's Guidebook

St. Francis Catholic Worker of Madison - a Catholic Worker community I have been involved in founding and supporting.

Madison Natural Movement - my website promoting parkour and natural movement more generally in Madison, Wisconsin.

Consumers of Catan rules (v3.5)

Rule modifications to the popular strategy game The Settlers of Catan to bring it more into alignment with conventional assumptions of economic theory. It's a fun alternative to online simulations of market equilibrium. The original game is already useful for teaching economics concepts, but I make the objective more directly approximate utility and incorporate money (by imposing a cash-in-advance constraint) to facilitate the introduction of stocks, public finance, international trade and finance, and/or labor.

Somewhat sophomoric essays in philosophy of science (from 2002-2003 at the University College London Dept. of Science and Technology Studies)

- scientific inference: The Exclusive Justification of Belief in Empirical Adequacy

- scientific explanation: Salmon on van Fraassen on Explanation

Math and physics research

A universal noise removal algorithm with an impulse detector (with Roman Garnett, Charles Chui, and Wenjie He, published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.14, no.11, pp.1747-1754, Nov. 2005)

- Matlab code for the "Trilateral" filter

Plasmasphere Refilling Rates Inferred from Polar and IMAGE Satellite Spectrogram Data (with Jerry Goldstein, Patricia H. Reiff, and Bodo W. Reinisch)

- 2002 undergraduate research in space physics

U. of Wisconsin-Madison