

Heidelberg University

Alfred Weber Institute for Economics

Bergheimer Str. 20

D-69115 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 54 8014



I am a PostDoctoral researcher for the Research Center for Environmental Economics at Heidelberg University, Germany.

My research interests are in the fields of Environmental Economics and Behavioral Economics.

As an applied microeconomist, I employ behavioral methods through field interventions, lab-in-the-field experiments, as well as online surveys and survey experiments with populations from around the world.

I am on the 2023/2024 economic job market and available for interviews.

In my job market paper (co-authored by Anca Balietti and Angelika Budjan), I show that preferences for the provision of a redistributive public good are sensitive to the perceived position in the income distribution. We run two online survey experiments on preferences for air quality with an Indian sample. We find that when people feel relatively richer, they withdraw contributions from the public good as they perceive their marginal benefits to be diminished.
