TieBot: Model-based Learning to Knot a Tie from Visual Demonstration via Differentiable Physics Simulation


The tie-knotting task is highly challenging due to the tie's high deformation and long-horizon manipulation actions. This work presents a model-based learning from demonstration system called TieBot for the robots to learn to knot a tie. We introduce the iterative keypoint learning and the hierarchical matching approach to estimate the tie's shape from the demonstrated video. With these estimated shapes in a differentiable cloth simulation used as subgoals, we propose to combine model-free RL and differentiable simulation to generate the action sequences to achieve these subgoals. Then, an imitation learning approach is used to learn the action sequences from raw point clouds in the simulation. Lastly, our pipeline learns a residual policy when the imitated policy is applied to real-world execution, mitigating the sim2real gap. We demonstrate the effectiveness of \emph{TieBot} in simulation and the real world. In the real-world experiment, a MOVO robot successfully knots the tie.

human demonstrations


first tie-knotting


second tie-knotting



feature matching examples

first tie-knotting

second tie-knotting


keypoint detection examples

first tie-knotting

second tie-knotting

real2sim result examples

first tie-knotting

second tie-knotting


V2.0 cut.mov

real-world experiment

We test our real-world policy 10 times. Each time the initial positions of the tie are slightly perturbed about 5cm. The final success rate is 50%.