Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Cube-ware respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our

compliance with this policy. This policy describes our privacy practices for our applications and

websites where it is posted. This policy does not apply to information we might collect in other

situations, like offline or by email. This policy also does not apply to the practices of third parties

who may provide services or features on our sites or apps. Please read this policy carefully to

understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you

do not agree with our policies and practices, do not download, register with or use this

application or service. By downloading, registering with or using this application or service, you

agree to this privacy policy. This policy may change from time to time. Your continued use after

we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy

periodically for updates.

Information We Collect and How We Collect It.

A. Information You Provide to Us.

When you download, register with or use this Tickers App (this

“Application”), we may ask you to provide the following information:

x Personal Information. By which you may be personally identified, such as name, phone

number, mailing address, and email address.

x Payment information. If you make purchases or create an account, we might collect

your credit card and billing information.

x Transaction information. Details of transactions you carry out through this Application

and of the fulfillment of your orders.

B. Automatic Information Collection.

When you download, access and use this Application, it may use technology to automatically


x Website Details. We may also collect information about the parts of this Application you

use or third-party apps or websites you visit when you leave this Application. Cube-ware may work with third parties who collect information about you when you

use this Application.

x Application Usage Details. When you access and use this Application, Cube-ware may automatically collect certain details of your access to and use of this

Application, including location data and other communication data and the resources

that you access and use on or through the app.

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x Device Information. If you download this Application, we may collect information from

your mobile device, like your device ID.

x Other information. Cubeware may collect information about your IP address,

operating system, browser type, mobile network information and the device’s telephone


x Location Information. This Application collects real-time information about the location

of your device to provide you services and to make it easier for you to use our service.

C. Information Collection Technologies.

The technologies Cubeware uses for automatic information collection may include:

x Cookies (or mobile cookies). A cookie is a small file placed on your smartphone. It

may be possible to refuse to accept mobile cookies by activating the appropriate setting

on your smartphone. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access

certain parts of this Application. You can choose whether or not to share personal

information. If you choose not to share, some parts of our sites and some services may

be more difficult or impossible to use. Your browser may give you the ability to reject

cookies or turn off location-based capabilities. If you choose not to disable these

features, some parts of our sites and some services may be more difficult or impossible

to use. If you do not want us to collect information about you or your device do not

download the application or uninstall it from your device.

D. How We Use Your Information.

Cubeware uses personal information collected or that you provide, including any

personal information:

x To respond to your requests or questions. For example, we may use your

information to help you access your account if you forget your password.

x To provide, maintain, and improve our Services. For example, we may use your

information to facilitate payments, send receipts, provide products and services you

request (and send related information), develop new features, provide customer support

to Users and Drivers, develop safety features, authenticate users, and send product

updates and administrative messages.

x For security purposes. We may use information to protect our company, our

customers, our websites, or our applications.

x To provide updates. For example, we may send you email or push notifications about

your account, transactions, or changes to our sites, applications, or policies.

x To perform internal operations. For example, we may use your information to prevent

fraud and abuse of our Services; to troubleshoot software bugs and operational

problems; to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; and to monitor and analyze

usage and activity trends.

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E. Disclosure of Your Information.

Cubeware may disclose aggregated information about our users without restriction. In

addition, Cubeware may disclose personal information collected or that you provide in

the following ways:

x To protect rights and safety. If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to

protect the rights, property, or safety Cubeware, our customers or others.

x For legal purposes. To comply with any court order, law or legal process, including to

respond to any government or regulatory request.

x For any other purpose we disclose when you provide the information.

x Otherwise with your consent.

F. Data Security.

Cubeware has implemented measures designed to secure your personal information

from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. However, the

internet is a public place.Cubeware cannot guarantee that your information will

remain secure. We encourage you to use caution when sharing information. Do not share your

password with other people and pick secure passwords.

Cubeware sites and servers may be located in the United States. If you are outside of

the U.S., your information may be sent to the United States. By using our sites and applications,

and by giving us your information, you consent to such transfer. You also understand that the

United States may not provide you with as much protections as the laws of your country.

The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you

(or where you have chosen) a PIN or password for access to certain parts of our application,

you are responsible for keeping this information confidential. We ask you not to share this

information with anyone.

G. Third Parties.

Cubeware websites and applications may contain links to third party sites. If you click

on one of those links, you will be taken to sites we do not control. This policy does not apply to

the practices of that site. You should read third party privacy policies carefully.

H. Changes to Our Privacy Policy.

Cubeware may update its privacy policy from time to time. If we make material

changes to how we treat our users’ personal information, we will post the new privacy policy on

this Application or webpage.

I. Accessing and Correcting Your Personal Information.

You can review and change your personal information by logging in and visiting your account

profile page.

To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy and our privacy practices, contact us at