Tianyi Chu
I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Computational Physics Group at Georgia Tech CSE, working with Prof. Spencer Bryngelson. I completed my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) under the supervision of Profs. Oliver Schmidt and Stefan Llewellyn Smith. Additionally, I obtained my M.S. from UCSD, where I worked with Prof. Stefan Llewellyn Smith. My research focused on understanding the dynamics and physics of turbulent flows by incorporating theories, computational methods, and experiments. The main approaches used for my research include computational fluid dynamics, data assimilation, data-driven methods, mesh-free methods, optimal experimental designs, and reduced-order models.
Latest posts

Nov 2024
Our manuscript on Triadic Orthogonal Decomposition and Modal Energy Budget Analysis is now available on arXiv!
Sept 2024
Our manuscript on inferring rheological properties via Bayesian optimal design and bubble dynamics is now available on arXiv!
Feb 2024
Our manuscript on RBF-FD-based Mesh-free Hydrodynamics Stability has been published in J. Comput. Phys.!
Upcoming Events
Bayesian optimal design accelerates discovery of material properties from bubble dynamics
Tianyi Chu, Jonathan B. Estrada, Spencer H. Bryngelson
Contact me at tchu72@gatech.edu