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I am a Ph.D. student in mathematics at National University of Singapore since 2019 fall. I am co-trained by École Normale Supérieure - PSL since 2021 fall. My advisors are Tengren Zhang and Nicolas Tholozan. I was previously an undergraduate at Tsinghua University and a master student at Sorbonne Université. I am interested in geometric group theory, higher Teichmüller theory, and Higgs bundles. My current research focuses on Anosov representations.

I can be reached at:

twang [at]

Publications and Preprints

Tianqi Wang. "Notions of Anosov representation of relatively hyperbolic groups." arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15636 (2023). 

Nicolas Tholozan and Tianqi Wang. "Simple Anosov representations of closed surface groups." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02934 (2023). 

Tianqi Wang. "Anosov representations over closed subflows." Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2023).  arXiv:2112.11305.

Workshops, Conferences and Talks

Dec. 2023, Seminar talk at Tsinghua University (Beijing) speaker

Dec. 2023, Seminar talk at University of Wisconsin (Madison) speaker

Dec. 2023, Seminar talk at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) speaker

Nov. 2023, "Parole aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en géométrie et dynamique" at Institut Fourier (Grenoble)

speaker, title: Représentations anosoviennes en restriction au flot des géodésiques simples

Jun. 2023, "Heidelberg Differential Geometry Seminar" at University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg)

speaker, title: Restricted Anosov representations via flows

Jun. 2023, "Homogeneous Dynamics and Geometry in Higher-Rank Lie Groups" at IHES (Bures-sur-Yvette)

Jan. 2023, "Topology & Geometry Seminar" at NUS (Singapore),

speaker, title: Simple Anosov representations of closed surface groups

Jan. 2023, "Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2023" (Singapore)

Nov. 2022, "Paroles aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs en géométrie et dynamique" at Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay (Paris)

5 minutes lightning talk, title: Simple Anosov representations

Oct. 2022, "Higher Rank Teichmüller Theory" at MFO (Oberwolfach), 

speaker, title: Higgs bundles

Sept. 2022, "Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference 2022" (virtual),

speaker, title: A notion of Anosov representations over closed subflows

Aug. 2022, "Topology & Geometry Seminar" at NUS (Singapore),

speaker, title: A notion of Anosov representations restricting to subflows

Jun. 2022, "Groups, Geometry and Dynamics" at Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (Cargèse)

Jan. 2021, "Topics at the Interface of Low Dimensional Group Actions and Geometric Structures" at NUS (Singapore)


Spring 2023, Calculus for Computing (MA1521 at NUS)

Spring 2022, Linear Algebra for Engineering (MA1508E at NUS)

Fall 2021, Linear Algebra I (MA2001 at NUS)

Spring 2021, Linear Algebra I (MA1101R at NUS)

Fall 2020, Calculus (MA1102R at NUS)