
Notes: * Equal contribution; Corresponding author; Students when the project was initiated

Featured Publications

○ Facebook Economic Opportunity and Digital Platforms Research Grant 2019 

Papers Under Review/Revision

Stream I: Human–AI Collaboration

○ Amazon AWS AI Research Grant 2023

Stream II: FinTech

○ Tencent Research Grant 2021

NET Institute Grant 2023

○ Tencent Research Grant 2022

Others: Unleashing Value of Innovative Technologies and Big Data

Selected Working Papers

Stream I: HumanAI Collaboration

Stream II: FinTech

Others: Unleashing Value of Innovative Technologies and Big Data

Other Publications

Selected Papers and Presentations in Academic Conferences 

○ Best Paper Award Shortlisted at INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Clusters

○  Best Paper Award Shortlisted at INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Clusters

○ Best Student Paper Award Finalist

○ Best Paper Award

○ Best Paper Award

○ Best Paper Award Runner Up

○ Best Paper Award Runner Up at PACIS 2017