After filtration with 0.45 m disposable polysulfone filters, a modified ion chromatography procedure for low ionic strength samples was used for the analysis of and [38]. A Dionex DX-120 was configured with a 250 L loop to increase instrument sensitivity. Ten percent of each sample batch consisted of quality control standards. Seven-point calibration curves covering the range of solutes being measured were run daily. Each batch contained sets of blanks (18.2 megaohm deionized water) and a series of USGS standard water reference samples (SRWS) at intervals of approximately every 10 ice-core samples. SRWS and blanks were monitored during sample runs. If the SRWS were not within 10% of expected values or the blanks were above detection limits, the sample run results were rejected and repeated.

Ten formulations of triaxial porcelain composed from 30-60% clay, 20-45% feldspar and 20-25% sand, were prepared from raw materials sourced from Ugandan deposits. Specimens were made using the plastic extrusion method and characterized in terms of constituent oxide composition, flexural strength, fracture toughness, dielectric strength, microstructure and phase properties using ICP-AES analyses, 4-point load strength test, Vicker's indentation, FEG-SEM and powder-XRD analyses, respectively. XRD studies revealed that the crystalline phases are mullite and quartz and their intensity is almost identical for all samples fired at 1250 degrees C but there is a decrease in quartz content as temperature is increased. Samples with 20% sand content resulted in higher density, modulus of rupture and fracture toughness compared to those containing 25% sand. The major factor influencing bending strength was found lobe porosity in samples as opposed to crystallinity. A sample with 67.3% SiO2, 20.2% Al2O3, 3.4% K2O and 6.3% others exhibited best properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.

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Position may be filled at the GS-05, GS-06, or GS-07 level. The duties of this position are developmental in nature, leading to the full performance level of GS-09.Conducts pitot tube and current meter measurements; takes water samples; and measures the depth of groundwater wells.Maintains water accounting records, files, and maps, and develops delivery and lost reports.Uses computer programs to enter and download data from field monitoring instrumentation into automated databasesConducts studies pertaining to the monitoring parameters of water quality and water quality flows, reservoir releases, wind, and other factors affecting water quantity and quality.Develops and carries out water quality studies and investigations.Maintains the functional reliability of water monitoring stations and affiliated natural resource data stations to meet programmatic objectives.Plans, directs, and performs preventive maintenance for water quality stations.Prepares work statements, specifications, or task orders for the completion of operation studies by consulting firms on contract with Reclamation.

The results of high-resolution sediment cores covering the last 90-150 years will establish pre- and post-industrial records of sedimentary pollutants and benthic foraminiferal communities. Preliminary results show natural variability of contaminants as well as benthic foraminifera related to grain-size and bottom current strength. So far it seems that the cores closest to the continent are under the influence of Norwegian coastal current have therefore more changes in grain-size, contaminant levels and benthic foraminifera fauna. The cores further away from the continent show more stable grain-size distribution and are mainly influenced by the long distant transport of the contaminants. Preliminary results from a benthic foraminiferal assemblages study suggest that changes in foraminiferal assemblages during the last 90-150 years are most likely an effect of changes in the ocean currents. Sedimentation rates in the SW Barents Sea vary between 1.0 -2.4mm/year. Highest sedimentation rates are found in sites in the deepest water depths (>400m) where fine sediments transported from the shallow banks by strong bottom currents accumulate due to calmer current regime. 589ccfa754

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