Can Naturopathy Help With Your Thyroid Condition?

Thyroid problems can prove to be emotional. Found to be more common in females than males, a thyroid condition can have various underlying causes that are genetic, nutritional, or even immune-related, which prevent the normal functioning of the body. Symptoms such as insomnia, menstrual complications, or gastrointestinal problems can indicate hypothyroidism but are, oftentimes, ignored because they are common and resemble the symptoms of other diseases.

The standard treatment for hypothyroidism is either Neurotherapy or to take medication that helps in replacing thyroid hormones. Thyroid medicines, if forgotten or neglected, can often have side effects or lead to other symptoms. In such circumstances, naturotherapy may be beneficial as they have lesser side effects and suit your lifestyle better.

Here are some ways in which naturotherapy can help with your thyroid condition.

● Selenium: The National Institutes of Health propose that a trace element called selenium plays a significant part in the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones. Grass-fed beef, tuna, turkey, and Brazil nuts are some of the various eatables easily available in the market that contain selenium. Since this varies from one person to another, depending on their thyroid level, it becomes important for you to consult your local doctor about the ideal quantity of selenium.

● Dietary Change: Processed food items with high sugar can result in hypothyroidism, slowing down the necessary conversion of T4 to T3 and worsening your thyroid condition. Removing sugar from your diet and intaking gluten-free food helps in regulating energy levels, improves your skin conditions, and reduces your stress level.

● Vitamins: Low thyroid hormones can oftentimes affect your body’s vitamin levels. Thyroid conditions can be improved by taking Vitamin B-12 as it enhances thyroid hormone synthesis and increases energy production in cells to reduce fatigue and stress.

Naturotherapy can, therefore, help to a great extent in minimizing thyroid conditions. However, if you have previously had surgery to remove your thyroid, naturotherapy would not be effective for you. Seek the guidance of your doctor before adopting any treatment plan.