Beginning to End

At the most basic level, story elements need to connect. And for the most basic of the basics, the ends of stories need to be connected to the beginnings. The climax and resolution are the answer or fulfillment of the opening dilemma. If there is no connection between story opening and story ending, the writer has failed his story in the most profound way.

If your story turns out to be a different one than you intended when you wrote page one, if the beginning points in one direction but the story follows a different path, you have a duty to return to the beginning and rework it so that it matches what follows. This is, of course, assuming you like the direction the story took. If you prefer the setup of the opening pages, you can always change the direction of the middle and end sections, rewriting those to match the promise of the opening pages.

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Your protagonist is going to be linked to a variety of story elements. His actions will be a primary mover of plot. His dialogue will increase conflict. His reactions will reflect that conflict and will lead to plot action.

Word Choice

Your choice of words is an obvious connection between story elements. Characters should be consistent in the way they speak (and think) from story beginning to story end. Characters can grow and change, of course, but they are still themselves, and the words they use and the way they string them together can be a thread that pulls the story tight.


Repetition can be used as a haunting reminder of what happened earlier. Echoes of earlier conversations or emotional moments remind readers of what came before. Even the barest hint of repetition in phrasing or description or event can create a connection for the reader. Thus you can pull early story events into the last chapters of a story with a reminder of what happened earlier.

They touch at the beginning of the story in a way different from the way they touch mid-story or at the climax. Threads that are pulled tight, threads that pull story elements together, make for full stories.

I cannot share any post or reel via the add to story option that comes after clicking on the arrow thing for the past two weeks. Instead, the Thread symbol is appearing there. I thought maybe if I downlaod Threads, it will disappear and the Add to Story option will be back. But no it did not. Yes I have updated the app, installed and reinstalled but nope that option is not coming back. Is anybody also facing the same?

A narrative thread, or plot thread (or, more ambiguously, a storyline), refers to particular elements and techniques of writing to center the story in the action or experience of characters rather than to relate a matter in a dry "all-knowing" sort of narration. Thus the narrative threads experienced by different but specific characters or sets of characters are those seen in the eyes of those characters that together form a plot element or subplot in the work of fiction. In this sense, each narrative thread is the narrative portion of a work that pertains to the world view of the participating characters cognizant of their piece of the whole, and they may be the villains, the protagonists, a supporting character, or a relatively disinterested official utilized by the author, each thread of which is woven together by the writer to create a work.

By utilizing different threads, the writer enables the reader to get pieces of the overall plot while positioning them to identify with the characters or experience the situation as if the reader were part of or eavesdropping upon the action the writer is divulging. This aids in the suspension of disbelief and engages the reader into the story as it develops.

"With engaging onomatopoeia, lyrical text, and a universal story of enduring friendship, belonging, and the kindness of strangers, Golden Threads will appeal to many readers... Golden Threads is a sweet, tender tale to be pored over and cherished." - Canadian Review of Materials

Each text frame contains an inport and an out port, which are used to make connectionsto other text frames. An empty in port or out port indicates the beginningor end of a story, respectively. An arrow in a port indicates thatthe frame is linked to another frame. A red plus sign (+) in anout port indicates that there is more text in the story to be placedbut no more text frames in which to place it. This remaining unseentext is called overset text.

You can cut a frame from a thread and pastethe frame elsewhere. The frame is removed with a copy of the text,but no text is removed from the original story. When you cut andpaste a series of threaded text frames at once, the pasted framesmaintain their connection to each other, but lose connection toany other frames in the original story.

Even as Texans confront change, a fundamental Texan identity endures. The threads of this identity include a love of freedom, equality and diversity; the assertion that Texas is home and can be home for anyone; and a true commitment to neighborliness and community-building. This identity is embraced by all groups of Texans, whether they are young or old, wealthy or impoverished, rural or urban, Texan-born or immigrant, white or nonwhite, and conservative or liberal. Better understanding, elevating and affirming the common threads of this shared identity can help navigate change and address potential future conflicts.

Publishing an entire thread at once instantly gives your followers a fully-formed story. This is a good Post format for a message you want to control a bit more, like a nuanced company announcement, as done by @XBusiness while launching a test of Professional Profiles.

Post threads lend themselves really well to creating intrigue and build-up to the climax of a story, or the nitty-gritty of a conversation.

When publishing one Post at a time, we recommend waiting about an hour after publishing your first Post to publish your second, and waiting another 15 minutes or so to publish your third.

Designer and bestselling author Natalie Chanin blends embroidery and hand-sewing techniques with her own personal story in this empowering guide for all who love stitching and handcraft.

As makers, we tend to learn different stitches over time without thinking much about how they relate to one another. Embroidery challenges us to go deeper by examining the history of a beloved company and cherished pastime.

Graphic novelist Kate Evans travelled to the Calais Jungle to document life in the impromptu city near the French port town. While living there, Evans met Iraqi refugee Hoshyar. Here is part of his story told in Threads, published to mark UN World Refugee Day on 20 June

Any post on Threads can be shared to Instagram, and isn't restricted to a user's own posts. To share a Threads post on Instagram, tap the share button (arrow icon) underneath the post. This brings up multiple sharing options. Tapping 'Add to story' lets users share to their Instagram Story, while tapping 'Post to feed' lets them share it as an Instagram post. Tap either option, which will open the post as an Instagram Story or post, depending on what the user has chosen.

If selecting 'Add to story,' a preview of the Threads post will appear in an Instagram story. All Threads posts on Instagram feature a custom Threads background. The background can't be changed, but users can tap the Threads post to move it anywhere on the screen, or increase or decrease the size by pinching and zooming. The Threads post displays any shared media, along with the number of likes and replies the post has. Users can make additional modifications to the story, including tagging people, adding text, stickers, and music.

It's a common thread in some of my personal favourites - think Dishonored, The Last of Us, Gone Home - because of the many uninhabited homes we get to explore in those worlds. Am I a platonic voyeur? Maybe. But I'm endlessly delighted by environmental storytelling. Games that show me a kitchen littered with mouldy takeaway containers and scattered Vodka bottles are infinitely more satisfying than those that would instead give me an in-game diary page from an alcoholic.

This is undoubtedly where Eternal Threads' puzzling magic lies. Despite the melodramatic opener that informs us that "we broke the world" by time-travelling all willy-nilly and releasing radiation into the time stream that changed "countless seemingly insignificant decisions throughout history", an elegant layer of melancholy lies over Eternal Threads. The ordinariness of its people - their rooms, their shared spaces, their conversations, the letters they screw up and toss into the bin - is captured with ease. Both our world and cast are small. We explore only a single deserted home once inhabited by a handful of ordinary folks, but getting to know them isn't just a pleasure; it's a matter of life or death.

Interestingly enough, you can travel across the timeline at your own pace and place. Want to start on Day One? Sure. That makes sense. Wonder if it may be better to start at the end and work your way back? Sure, that could work, too. The freedom to move about as you feel fit is a peculiarly liberating feature, as is the ability to make a dialogue change without having to sit through the entire holographic performance again. It's touches like these that suggest Cosmonaut thought long and hard about the user experience here, and hints it has the confidence to give players full control of its storytelling - even if we're telling it badly or in the wrong order.

Frustratingly, though, I found there was no meaningful climax to this story. It's painfully unsatisfying to spend hours getting to know these people - to care about them enough to not leave them to burn in their beds - and not get a meaty conclusion. I also wanted to know more about Forty Three, too, and his strange quest to fix broken timelines. The cynic in me supposes there's a sequel or DLC on the way and whilst that isn't a bad thing in and of itself, it feels a touch uncharitable to hold the story's resolution hostage to those of us who made it to the end. 006ab0faaa

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