Peter Skogman Thoursie

Professor, Department of Economics, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden


Recent policy reports (Swedish)

En utvärdering av förändringar i sjukförsäkringens regelverk under 20221 0ch 2022 

(with Åsa Barat Ullenius, Pathric Hägglund, Per Johansson, and Staffan Söderberg ) SOU 2024:26.

Effekter av arbetsmarknadsinsatser för personer långvarigt sjukskrivna på grund av depression, ångest eller stressreaktion: en systematisk översikt 

Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering (SBU); 2022. SBU Utvärderar 352.

Research in progress
Can JSA with Intensified Matching Improve Employment for Newly Arrived Refugees? Evidence from a Swedish Field Experimentwith Petter Helgesson, Erik Jönsson, Petra Ornstein, Magnus Rödin and Ulfhild Westin. Submitted to Journal of Population Economics
Economic incentives, childcare and gender identity normswith Barbara Petrongolo, Andrea Ichino and Martin Olsson. Here you can find a previous working-paper version. Media coverage about this paper: LSE Business Review;; RR Journal of Labor Economics
How Men and Women Move up Job and Career Ladders: Explaining Gender Differences in Wage Trajectorieswith Mary Ann Bronson
Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Changewith Jim  Albrecht, Per-Anders Edin, Raquel Fernandez, Jawon Lee and Susan Vroman
Restricting Residence Permits Short-Run Evidence From A Swedish Reform (version to be updated soon)with Niklas Blomqvist, Martin Olsson and Björn Tyrefors 
Labor Market Returns to Private Rehabiliationwith Lisa Laun
Gender Differences in Student Performance Depending on Course Intensitywith Adam Jacobsson and Lars Vathrik

Recent publications

"Effects of work-directed interventions on return-to-work in people on sick-leave for to common mental disorders – a systematic review" (with Elisabeth Björk Brämberg et al.) forthcoming International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2024

"Is Supported Employment Effective for Young Disability Pensioners? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment" (with Mattias Fogelgren, Petra Ornstein and Magnus Rödin), Journal of Human Resources. March. 58(2). 2023. Online Appendix

"The Career Dynamics of High-Skilled Women and Men: Evidence from Sweden" (with Jim Albrecht, Mary Ann Bronson and Susan Vroman), European Economic Review , 105, 103-114. 2018.