There is a huge thunderstorm in my area right now. It made me think, what are some great song about Thor? I dont want just viking themed song or about the norse gods in general, I want something directly themed about Thor. Help me appease the Mighty Thor with musical offering!

If you've seen the movie, you already know what we're referring to. "Immigrant Song," the classic from Led Zeppelin's "Led Zeppelin III" album, is prominently featured in two fight sequences in the movie. The song's inclusion was a long time coming for director Taika Waititi and the Marvel executives.

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"I remember Kevin being really excited about the song right from the early meetings," Waititi told Business Insider of Marvel Studios' president, Kevin Feige. "He was like, 'We should explore that song because it could be perfect for the film.'"

With the song's relentless guitar riff, squealing opening by lead singer Robert Plant, and mentions of Norse mythology in the lyrics, the track seemed perfect for the Thor franchise. But there was just one problem: Led Zeppelin is historically difficult when it comes to allowing songs in movies.

Waititi doesn't have firsthand knowledge of anything insane taking place to get "Immigrant Song" for "Ragnarok," as the movie's music supervisor Dave Jordan did most of the heavy lifting. But he knows it did basically take all of production for the filmmakers to get the OK to use the song.

"When we had the first cut of the trailer and showed Led Zep they understood how perfect the song was for this character," Waititi said. "I think it wouldn't have happened if we didn't start the conversation with them really, really early on."

To Pimp a Butterfly singles "Alright" and "These Walls" earned Lamar three more GRAMMYs that night, the former winning Best Rap Performance and Best Rap Song and the latter taking Best Rap/Sung Collaboration (the song features Bilal, Anna Wise and Thundercat). He also won Best Music Video for the remix of Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood."

Taylor first began performing solo acoustic shows in late 2011, nearly a decade before 2020's CMFT. The shows completely shed any musical assumptions people would associate with the singer, as he covered songs he wouldn't normally do with his other bands and gave people a look into his true multifaceted identity. His solo performances also included various spoken word segments with spontaneous comedy bits, a nod to his literary instincts (to date, he's authored four books and a comic book series).

What I've tried to do with every album that I'm involved with, whether I'm producing or not, is to make it feel like I'm taking people somewhere, and hopefully bring them back. So on this album, the nuances are overstated. The heavies feel heavy, the quiets still quiet. The contemplative nature is still there, but the songs are just really, really good.

I think that's one of the reasons why I've come to be this solo artist because, to me, the songs are what matter. A good song transcends a genre. It will transcend your gatekeeping for a certain type of music, and it will make you go, "You're going to enjoy this whether you like it or not. You just need to get over yourself."

The same with guitar playing. I didn't necessarily want to be the lead guitar player, but at the same time, I've got these songs that I really love and nobody's playing them the way I want them to be played. So I have to do that. Then once I discovered people like Jim Root and all the other people that I've been blessed to work with, I've been able to give up that.

I guess it's because I just love writing music. I love writing songs, period, and to me, the best way to be able to write different kinds of songs is to learn to play different types of instruments. Because I learned by ear, I'm pretty adept at getting good fairly quickly. It takes me a minute. And obviously, I'm not going to go out and perform with the London Philharmonic, but at the same time getting to learn chords on the piano, or learning different tunings on the mandolin, is a lot of fun. It helps me explore stuff to the point where if I want to write something now in any genre, or any style, I can pull the Wurlitzer out on this and lay down a Doobie Brothers kind of thing and just have fun with it. That, to me, is the exciting part of learning different instruments.

It also allows me to be able to do stuff like this solo thing. It's high-energy right now, but when it gets to the point where I want to tame it down a little bit, I have songs that I can lean into and let them do the heavy lifting for me.

It was a fitting narrative for Love, who had reinvented herself over the past four years from the rock scene's enfant terrible (in 1995 alone, she'd punched Kathleen Hanna, gatecrashed a Madonna interview and even attacked her own fans) to a respectable Hollywood darling. She earned a Golden Globe nomination for her performance as the titular pornographer's wife Althea in 1996's The People versus Larry Flynt, later partying with celebrity boyfriend Edward Norton on the Oscars' red carpet ("The most thorough transformation since Eliza Doolittle met Henry Higgins," wrote Time).

Despite all the contention, there's been much talk of a Celebrity Skin-era reunion, Schemel included, since. In 2014, Rolling Stone wrongly reported Love's solo single "Wedding Day" had emerged from a recording session with all four members, although the singer did reveal that they'd spent time playing together again. And five years later, they all apparently enjoyed rehearsal time at, rather aptly, the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But should they fail to nail down anything else in the studio, Celebrity Skin is one hell of a highly polished swansong.

The Thor: Love and Thunder soundtrack includes several recognizable songs, ranging from iconic rock anthems to more contemporary pop. Director Taika Waititi helped push the Thor franchise in a new direction once he took over with Thor: Ragnarok. He gave the Marvel Cinematic Universe series a comedic tone, brighter colors, and a great soundtrack. This includes the standout Led Zepplin classic "Immigrant Song", used for the final battle between Chris Hemsworth's Thor and Cate Blanchett's Hela.

As the drama, comedy, and action unfold, there is some memorable music in Thor: Love and Thunder. MCU veteran Michael Giacchino is responsible for composing the movie's score, but Taika Waititi once again cultivated a great collection of famous songs. Here is a complete Thor: Love and Thunder soundtrack guide, including when each of the songs plays in relation to the movie.

Thor: Ragnarok score composer Mark Mothersbaugh reveals that Led Zeppelin would not allow the production to change their iconic Immigrant Song in the movie. The Led Zeppelin song was a huge piece of the original trailer and the pairing was almost too perfect. As it turns out, Immigrant Song was always a part of Ragnarok as director Taika Waititi used the song as the soundtrack to his sizzle reel for the project, which left a lasting impression on Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige who has since called the reel "amazing."

Ragnarok score composer Mark Mothersbaugh recently spoke about his work on the score as well as the use of the Led Zeppelin track. "Immigrant Song" worked so well in the movie that they ended up using it twice and had to reach out to songwriters Jimmy Page and Robert Plant who agreed (and got paid a lot of money) to let the song run twice in the movie. Page and Plant reportedly saw the movie and the use of their song and loved it. Mothersbaugh had this to say.

"I love that song. So great. And fits so perfect in the film. They did it in the trailer. How many months ago was that? Four months ago? Five or six months ago? And it was&#160such&#160a hit that they knew they&#160wanted to see if they could talk Jimmy (Page) and Robert (Plant) into letting them put in the movie and they had to see the movie and they loved it, they really wanted it to be in there too. So that's how we ended up getting it for two uses."

The production of Thor: Ragnarok was on a roll and decided to press their luck with the legendary British band. Mark Mothersbaugh recalled that they had an idea to embellish Immigrant Song with a hundred-piece orchestra conducted by Mothersbaugh, but Jimmy Page and Robert Plant flat out denied any changes to the iconic song. One could see why Mothersbaugh and crew wanted to update a little bit of the song that was originally released in 1970 to better fit the futuristic score, but the mighty Led Zeppelin blocked the idea. Mothersbaugh explains.

"If there was only one regret, we threw it out there, what do you think about the&#160idea&#160of letting Mark put his 100-piece orchestra over the second use on the bridge. And they were like 'no one's allowed to touch our song in any way musically'. They have these rules of what you're allowed to do. It was an idea... maybe&#160on&#160the next film..."

Considered one of the greatest hard rock songs of all time, this song plays when Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy have joined forces. While the Guardians only appear for a few minutes, the song is heard over a montage which shows Thor and the Guardians going out to battle.

The long-awaited trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder is finally here, with a first look at Thor's new aesthetic, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Jane Foster as the Mighty Thor. With a release date of July 8, fans won't have to wait long to see Taika Waititi's second addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, an addition that -- judging by the trailer -- will be a rock 'n roll, '80s-filled romp throughout the galaxy. Since the trailer used the Guns N' Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" to tease the kind of story to come, here are some other iconic rock songs that Waititi might include.

With a subtitle like "Love and Thunder," trouble with romance and relationships are bound to play a big part in the movie's plot, which the Benatar hit certainly understands. The opening lines of the song could be delivered in one of Waititi's infamous deadpan dialogue scenes before it melts into a big battle with Thor and Peter Quill or Thor and the Mighty Thor fighting side by side. 006ab0faaa


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