About Tommy
I am a Finance PhD candidate at The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business. Broadly, I am interested in the relationship between households and financial markets. This interest has lead me to study asset pricing, household finance, market microstructure, and entrepreneurship. I plan to go on the job market during the 2025/2026 academic year.
Recent Work
Anatomy of Trading Costs for Retail Investors: Savings from Off-Exchange Execution
with Travis L. Johnson, S.P. Kothari, and Eric So
Working Paper
Using both public and proprietary order execution data, we show that retail trades executed by wholesalers outside typical exchanges receive significantly more favorable prices, on average, than comparable trades executed on exchanges. Contrary to the claim that brokers sacrifice execution quality for payment for order flow (PFOF), trades executed via Robinhood, a high PFOF broker, receive better-than-average prices. Additional analysis shows this advantageous pricing arises because retail orders exhibit lower levels of adverse selection, and yields no evidence market power drives up retail trading costs. Our estimates and conclusions differ from related research because we analyze a broader sample and weight observations by dollar volume rather than equally. Overall, the zero-commission PFOF model for executing retail trades has lowered total costs below 6bp –- far smaller than they were previously.
How has the recent increase in retail investment impacted financial markets? Why are market makers willing to pay for order flow? What drives price improvement in equity markets? What are the real impacts of portfolio performance on decision making outside of consumption? What can governments and firms do to improve development? Should entrepreneurs in developing economies take more or fewer risks? What drives differences in beliefs about debt?