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Developmental Language Disorder is a common but hidden disability affecting a surprising number of children and adults. In this video you'll learn a little more about DLD and the one thing we can all do to help.

Confusion over what DLD is has hindered awareness and communication. In this film Prof Dorothy Bishop and Prof Maggie Snowling explain how the term Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) was agreed.

Living with DLD

Lily, a young woman with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) explains what it is like to live with this condition. Everyone who watches this video will learn something valuable about DLD.

This award winning film follows a personal journey through the experiences of living with Developmental Language Disorder and telling the story of how it affects someone's life and childhood.

Tips for teachers

Stephanie, Megan, Michael and Jake, along with professionals who work with them, explain how teachers can adapt their spoken language to help children with SLI understand in the classroom.

A video about the impact of DLD on learning in other academic subjects, and strategies for teachers for supporting children with developmental language disorders in the classroom.

Further reading

"Griffin, was diagnosed with Developmental Language Disorder when he was just 2.5 years old. We knew he struggled following commands and communicating his needs to us."

"I had never heard of DLD and although I had leaflets given to me and websites to look at my understanding was still poor. Part of this was due to my own denial and lack of information."

"I tell you our story to know that DLD isn’t just about a child’s speech, but to demonstrate that language underpins our ability to access every aspect of human existence. It is fundamental."

"There is a special educational need more prevalent than autism – one that is likely to impact on children in every school. But very few teachers have heard of it and even fewer know how to help."

DLD: the common language disorder we need to talk about

How to help pupils with Developmental Language Disorder

How misbehaviour can be a sign of language disorder

More DLD stories

DLD from the child's perspective

Living with DLD as a teenager

An adults story of living with DLD