I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science at Durham University, UK. I am a member of the Network Engineering Science and Theory in Durham (NESTiD) group. Previously, I was a postdoc at the CICS, UMass Amherst, where, I worked with Prof. Don Towsley. I received my PhD from the department of ECE, University of Waterloo, Canada. My PhD advisor was Prof. Ravi R. Mazumdar.
My main research interests are mathematical modeling, performance evaluation, and optimization of classical and quantum computer networks. Currently, I work on quantum networking, datacenter networks, sequential analysis, and anomaly detection in networks. For my research, I use applied probability, queueing theory, stochastic processes, and optimization.
Link to my Google Scholar account is [Google Scholar]
Open positions for PhD: I am looking for self-motivated PhD students to pursue PhD on quantum internet, cloud computing, and internet-of-things. There are some scholarships available, these are offered by Durham university. Please send me an email if you are interested in working with me. I welcome applications from self-funded students as well. Candidates from EE/CS/Mathematics departments with a background on probability, Computer networks, Signal processing, and statistics are encouraged to contact me.
Open positions for postdoc: Currently I am looking for candidates to pursue research on quantum internet, I will support applications for the prestigious Marie-Curie fellowships. I will also support applications for other postdoctoral fellowships (EPSRC, Royal Academy, Marie Curie etc.) to work under my supervision on quantum internet. Candidates with a strong background on stochastic modeling, queueing theory, and performance evaluation of computer networks are encouraged to contact me. Background on quantum communications is not needed.
Two papers got accepted to QCE 2024
Serving as TPC member of QCE 2024
Serving as TPC member of ICDCS 2024 and QCNC 2024
[Accepted journal paper]: S. Bhambay, A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Vasantam, "The Impact of Load Comparison Errors on the Power-of-d Load Balancing ", to appear in Performance Evaluation , 2024.
Gave an invited talk at the workshop on "Advances in Probability Theory and Applications to Systems Modeling" in IIT Bombay, India (in honor of Prof. Ravi R. Mazumdar).
Hosting the workshop `Queueing theory for Emerging Classical and Quantum Systems` at IFIP Performance, 2023.
[Accepted conference paper]: Sanidhay Bhambay and Arpan Mukhopadhyay and Thirupathaiah Vasantam, ``The Power of Two Choices with Load Comparison Errors ", is accepted to ACM Mobihoc 2023.