Lead Conversion Squared Review

By now you've heard about Lead Conversion Squared and wondering if this is a fit for you and your digital marketing business.

If so, then you're at the right place. Simply click on the appropriate section or read this full Lead Squared Conversion Review and bonus package.

What is LCS2 (Lead Conversion Squared)?

Lead Conversion Squared or LCS2 for short is the new brainchild from Chad Nicely and Daven Michaels.

Both Chad and Daven are highly successful and respected in the digital marketing world which is partially the reason so many people are searching and looking forward to what could be the most talked about launch of 2020.

Chad Nicely

Daven Michaels

Lead Conversion Squared - Does It Work?

At the time of this writing, we have not went through the entire program but will be updating out Lead Conversion Squared System Review page on the ThinkTankLab site with a full demo, backend pics and more once the launch gets closer

The launch date kicks of on September 21, 2020 and they'll have plenty of pre-launch content that's designed to educate, inform, and at the same time get the pre-launch buzz going.

The thing to remember is Lead Generation works.

The Truth About Lead Generation

Lead gen is the process of acquiring leads to follow up in an effort to conduct a sale or business transaction.

As Jay Abraham talked about the 3 ways to grow a business, they were...

  1. Increase the number of customers (this is what everyone focuses on)

  2. Increase their frequency

  3. Increase the amount they spend.

But in order to make any of that happen, you've got to have a lead generation method first and foremost.

Lead generation could include getting traffic from any of the following strategies

  • Facebook Ads Traffic

  • Youtube Ads

  • Google Adwords

  • SEO

  • Video SEO

  • Other PPC sources

The bottom line is you need a mechanism to funnel traffic into your sales processes.

Normally, this would take forever to build out, take testing, and trying to integrate everything together can be a nightmare.

Which is why Lead Conversion Squared (LCS2) has become one of the most talked about launches in years - it provides a full arsenal and system to bring you leads and more importantly converting those leads into sales.

If you truly desire a greater company, you need more leads.

When you become effective at it, you'll have the capacity to increase any sort of business as sizable as you really want and you'll be in demand.

It's a superpower.

To obtain one of the most leads, you'll need to have a lead-generation techniques for each portion of the advertising channel.

However, you additionally need to target your advertising initiatives to the bottom line.

Nurture as well as engage your leads to keep them interested and curious to what you're coming out with next waiting in anticipation.

Let's study the most important facets of list building.

  • Traffic sources

  • Your Offer (some call this a lead magnet or money magnet)

  • Your follow up systems

  • Sales processes

If you're not generating new leads and focused on converting those leads in a systematic way, you're never going to reach your full potential which is another reason LCS2 is coming in hot.

They've done all the testing to make sure the lead magnets convert, provided a kick ass software, and are even pairing you with your own VA to get your more leads.

It's truly a business in a box.

Wanting to get leads? Try this Unlimited Leads Challenge

Lead Conversion Squared Details

There's 3 components to the overall system for LCS2

  1. The Training to pull it all together

  2. The One of a Kind Software

  3. The Help to pull it off

So, let's go through these one by one.

Lead Conversion Squared CRM

This CRM software allows for advanced tagging, followup and lead management for once you have people coming to your sales processes.

This is a tool you'll have white label rights to for your local customers as well.

LCS2 Lead Magnets

These are brand new lead magnets that have explosive conversion rates that you can utilize to get more leads into your process.

Leads Monthly

That's right, you'll get leads delivered to you monthly as part of this system and a VA that's trained and ready to go to work will be helping you with the system.

Plus, a whole lot more...

You Had Me At Hello - What's the Lead Conversion Squared Pricing and Bonus Package?

The price of Lead Conversion Squared has not been announced yet but will be revealed as we get closer to the launch date of September 21.

As part of this special rollout, we at ThinkTankLab.com are putting together the most insane, yet amazing bonus package on the planet.

Simply click on the resources below and we'll be making the update for the bonus.

Lead Conversion Squared Resources:







