1. Purpose of processing personal information

This app does not collect any information other than the purpose of using following features.

※ Unique device ID to identify a user

※ Used for delegating permissions required by Admob Ad Library (Google Play Lib). This app does not collect any personal information including phone number, email address and contact information.

2. Entrustment of personal information

This app does not entrust the processing of personal information

3. Use of personal information

This app does not request or collect any personal information including name, address, phone number, mail address, credit card number and resident registration number. We do not transfer or sell any information to third parties.

This app does not access or use any photos, contact information on your device. This app does not collect or use any data from other apps. We do not transfer or sell any information to third parties.

4. Destruction of Personal Information

This app does not collect or save any personal information.

5. This app may revise privacy policy. Please check regularly as the revision history will be recorded through app updates. Also, the revision of policy may apply regardless of actual app updates. You can deny using our service if you do not agree to the revised policy.

6. This app collects and uses the advertising ID.