Free Gourmet Coffee & Beyond a cup of Coffee

  • Open from Monday to Friday, 12:00 NN - 2:30 PM ( Except Public Holidays & special weather conditions * )

  • G/F, Wesleyan House, 271 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai

* Special weather conditions: Typhoon Signal No.3 (or above), or Red and Black Rainstorm Warnings

Who We Are & How We Serve

The Well is a project jointly launched by Methodist International Church (MIC) and Methodist Centre (MC).

Though some of us might know The Well best for a cup of free coffee, The Well ministry is about much more than just coffee.

Our mission is to develop The Well into a platform that promotes the well-being of individuals and the mutual support of our community.

At The Well coffee corner, we serve people who want a refreshing drink. At the same time, our visitors can also learn about social or church services that might meet their physical / psychological / social / spiritual needs.

Our volunteers and social workers from MIC and MC care about you, and are always ready to help. So please don't hesitate to browse the leaflets stands in our coffee corner and enquire of our volunteers about the information you're interested in. If you are in need of emotional support or spiritual care, or if you want to know more about Jesus, you're also very welcome to talk with our volunteers!

How you can help

Your support means a lot to us, and you can contribute in your own way!

Some of our volunteers are young adults with mild special educational needs (SEN). Volunteering at The Well gives them opportunities to communicate with strangers. The moment you were willing to take the leaflet from them has already given them a lot of encouragement.

Our barista volunteers are well-trained. If you appreciate their work, you can show this by giving them a compliment!

If you feel satisfied with the service you received at The Well, or if you identify with our core values, you can support us by telling your friends, and sharing our information via social media.

We are also developing outreach programmes! We encourage care and attention to our community. If you're willing to join as a volunteer or give us your ideas, please click the "coffee" icon below and leave your information with us!

And, of course, if you are willing to donate to make our project more sustainable, we would be very grateful! We've got a beautiful donation box at our counter. All donations will go to support this valuable project.

John 4:13,14

Jesus answered, ' Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'

Jesus spoke these words to a woman by a well. She had a complex family background and had to avoid people, so she drew water from the well in the blazing sun every day. The water that Jesus offers her and us is not ordinary water from a well, but the living water of life that satisfied hungry and empty hearts. It is life-changing salvation and the assurance of eternal life.

When you feel thirsty, please come to The Well and get a cup of drink. You're also welcome to join us in church. May you find the wellspring of living water in your life, and never thirst again!

Click the link below to learn more about services at MIC & MC !
