Zhang Jun-Cai - 7'11.28" (242 cm)

Although Bao Xi Shun officially held the title of the tallest man on earth until September 2009, after he got it back from Leonid Stadnyk who did not want to be measured by Guinness World Records.

Zhang jun Cai is taller than both of them but for some (commercial?) reason has never been measured by Guinness. Zhang Jun Cai was measured on a Japanese television show and turned out to be 242 cm (7'11.3") tall, but assuming normal curvature of the spine as of practise of Guinness he would be atleast 247 cm (8'1.25"). In September 2009 Guiness measured Sultan Kösen of Turkey at 246.4 cm (8'1") and he was announced as the tallest man in the world. Kosen was measured 6 times over a certain period and was given the tallest measurement as his height.

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