Klaas van Kieten - 8'9.9" (269 cm)

Klaas van Kieten was considered the tallest man in the 13th century, when he lived in Spaarnewoude, the Netherlands. Not much is known about the life of Klaas van Kieten. However, it is known that he visited England in 1296 with some Dutch noblemen: Heer Dirk van Brederode, Heer Willem van Egmondt and Heer Henrick Burghgrave van Ieyden to exhibit himself. There are no known images of him made during his lifetime. How tall he was can still be seen in the South-wall of the 'Oude Kerk' (Old church) in Spaarnewoude. In this wall there are 2 stones which are 9 Haarlemse feet and 6 thumbs apart (aproximately 269 cm.). The distance between these stones is supposed to be the length of Klaas' vadem (or vaam). e.g. The maximum distance between the tips of his fingers.

He was also known as Klaas Kitten and Klaas van Kleyten and several other spellings of his name.

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