Ella Ewing - 7'6" (228.6 cm)

Ella Kate Ewing (born near La Grange, Missouri on March 9, 1872; died in Wyaconda, Missouri on January 10, 1913) was a woman in Missouri noted for her height and for touring because of it. She spent most of her life in Gorin, Missouri. She grew normally until age 7. Her maximum height is a matter of dispute and as such she is not mentioned in Guinness World Records. She initially disliked being gawked at, but decided that as it was unavoidable she might as well make some advantage to it so agreed to make appearances and tours. Her Baptist faith, however, meant she would not make appearances on Sundays. For a time Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus introduced her as the Earth's tallest woman.

She died of tuberculosis and is buried at Harmony Grove Church. In Scotland County, Missouri there is an "Ella Ewing Reservoir" for fishing and an arts festival in Memphis, Missouri was also named for her.

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