"El Gigante Extremeño" - 7'8.52" (235 cm)

Agustín Luengo Capilla , known as "El Gigante Extremeño" , was born in the town of Puebla de Alcocer (Badajoz) on August 15, 1849.

From a very humble family and because his parents' house was small, they were forced to make several openings in the wall to be able to hold the boards of his bed, and in this way Agustín could rest stretched out.poster_new

From his childhood it is known that he was a sickly child and that at the age of 12 he began to work in a circus as an attraction, exhibiting his large 40 cm long hands, capable of hiding a 1 kg loaf. His fame was such that his Majesty King Alfonso XII wanted to meet him in person , who received him in audience on October 3, 1875, giving him a pair of boots , currently preserved in the Museum of the Extremeño Giant in Puebla de Alcocer, equivalent to the number 52.

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