@ingox That's a good idea.

We will have to wait for @deframmentazione-geometrica to come back to find out.

I imagine they will have found a way to get the time from the web in javascript by now.


@deframmentazione-geometrica Maybe you can create seed.txt manually in the same directory as the patch. At the same time i would not be surprised if a weblike environment prohibits writing to a local file. From what i see [notein] is the only other object that allows external input, other than that i think we are running out of options.

Deframmentazione Dei File Di Boot

Download Zip šŸ”„ https://urlca.com/2xYdqp šŸ”„

Ciao Davide e Diego, Enable dovrebbe normalmente esserci. Ho letto comunque di casi in cui anche se Enable mancava in realt la deframmentazione veniva comunque compiuta. Probabilmente dipende dal motivo per cui manca. Ad ogni modo, si pu ricreare. Basta andare in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction, cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse, selezionare nuovo, Valore stringa, digitare Enable, poi cliccare con il tasto destro sulla voce appena creata, selezionare Modifica, digitare Y nel campo Dati valore, cliccare su OK.

In the screenshot, the system partition and windows partition are both fragmented. Funny thing is, after every click of "Analyze button", it displays different values. I have tried to use command prompt during boot, but that didn't allow the defrag command. I will try to take a picture of that and post it here.

For UEFI/GPT based boot you can mount the system reserved partition first with mountvol b: /s, now you can use defrag b: /U /V to defragment the drive. Now unmount the system partition again with mountvol b: /d.

The presence of immovable system files, especially a swap file, can impede defragmentation. These files can be safely moved when the operating system is not in use. For example, ntfsresize moves these files to resize an NTFS partition. The tool PageDefrag could defragment Windows system files such as the swap file and the files that store the Windows registry by running at boot time before the GUI is loaded. Since Windows Vista, the feature is not fully supported and has not been updated.

NTFS requires some files to be in certain sectors -- especially if that partition is used to boot windows. Any defragger in Linux (and I don't even know if there are any that can handle NTFS) might not care about said system files, because as far as Linux is concerned - they are just regular files.

In my case. Windows will eventually be removed. Soon I won't have the option to reboot into windows at all.

I have considered a different file system. But as I mentioned, some of my devices requires a "compatible file system", ant that "compatible" list is rather short: FAT32, exFAT and NTFS.

@SysGhost Format your portable drives to ext4. Make a live linux usb stick (or just use your arch install cd/usb stick). Then, boot your family/friend's computer with the live usb stick. Last, transfer your files from your portable hard drives to their computer from within the live linux or arch install environment.

I will not take any whatsoever responsibility if anyone destroys anything with this.Ā 

Everything here is done at your own risk. Keep in mind: Ultradefrag for Linux is only beta, utilizing a prebundled ntfs-3g library.Ā 

I have tested a few runs on a few portable USB hard drives, and it seems to be doing a great job on the NTFS filesystems. I had no data loss nor corruption so far.

But: I STRONGLY advises against using this on a Windows partition and its boot partition. It will render Windows unbootable. It's not because of corruption. It's because "Ultradefrag for Linux" cannot update Windows boot records. (Well. One could do it, and then repair the boot records afterwards.)

Da Windows XP in poi,Ā  possibile deframmentare i file di boot, affiancandoli cos da velocizzare l'avvio del sistema. La deframmentazione di tali fileĀ  solitamente abilitata di default, per esserne sicuri per andiamo a controllare nel registro di sistema in questo modo:

I outlined a safe way here that always gives you a bootable backup to check, plus it really optimizes the hard drive in the process. Also it stays optimized and faster longer when defragging software tends to require it again and again to regain the performance.

3: Hard drives are fastest at the beginning of the drive. and slowest at the very end. Data is first written on the top of the drive and works it's way down. However data doesn't magically move up to take available space, holes can develop with a lot of reads and writes. Also things can get out of order, the heads have to travel further all over the drive to boot or load programs for instance.

I always get twice as much boot hard drive space as I'm ever going to need, I can always partition the unused space and use it as a backup clone for on the road, or rare used items, emergency storage etc.

6: If one wants to create a Bootcamp or second partition on the boot drive, there might be OS X data near the bottom where the second partition will go, it's sometimes not easy to move this data further up on the drive.

1: Reduce your boot drive user content (files, try movies first) so it's less than 50% of the drive filled (ideal) but never more than 80% filled as a full boot drive will make the computer not boot up.

2: Use a blank powered external drive (formatted GUID and OS X Extended Journaled in Disk Utility) and a copy of Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the OS X boot partition (aka Macintosh HD) to the external drive using the default settings and a full clone.

3: Then reboot the machine holding the option/alt key down (wired or built in keyboard), you can now boot from the clone using Startup Manager. Test the clone out for some time so your positive it's solid and reliable, catch any unknown issues (I haven't heard of any) and alleviate any fears you may have.

4: While booted from the clone, use Disk Utility to Security Option > Erase with the "Zero" or second secure selection (on 10.7/10.8) the internal OS X boot partition (Macintosh HD), or the entire drive if there is no Recovery or Bootcamp partition (10.6 users) this will "Zero" out all the bits, and when it reads it back for confirmation, map off any bad sectors in the process, never to be written to again. It will take some time and it's a very worthwhile step as failing sectors take longer to read from than perfect ones.

5: When completed, reverse clone. the external onto the internal partition. Run Disk Utility > Repair Permissions on both and all the OnyX (Macupdate.com) maintenance and cleaning aspects and reboot. OnyX cleans out the caches and lets them rebuild.

You will solve your Bootcamp partition formatting problem, your bad sectors problem, your defrag problems, corrupt or bloated caches and your optimization problems all in one batch. Also have a working bootable backup in the process which is loads safer than a live defrag.

PROTIP: you can use ' fsarchiver ' to do a full bare-metal backup and restore on-the-fly ext4 convert to XFS, and vice versa. Don't forget to change the root filesystem type in /etc/fstab before rebooting, but this is for advanced users.

If you have enough space on your hard drive, you can use Gparted to defrag your file system (ext2, ext 4, nfts, etc.). You have to boot from a CD/DVD/USB boot disc because the drive you're working on has to be unmounted. You also have to have more unused space available than used space for this to work and it may take a while.

If you are working in the Active Directory Restore mode, start msconfig and go to the boot pane. Select the operating system installation that you want to configure. Click to clear Safe Boot in the Boot options section. When you click OK, the tool asks you to restart. Restart the computer.

I am looking at getting my VCP. There are so many options out there when searching. I received a fair amount of experience with ESXi working towards my associates, should have at the end of the Fall semester. I am not looking at taking one of the expensive boot camps. What can any of you suggest or give your opinion about earning a VCP?

Un aumento notevole dei tempi di accesso al disco rigido potrebbe dipendere da una sua eccessiva frammentazione, una causa frequente nei vecchi supporti dati che ha portato Windows a fornire un programma integrato per la deframmentazione dei dischi rigidi. I tool esterni, molto popolari in passato, non sono pi necessari per gli utenti di Windows 10. Lo strumento di deframmentazione integratoĀ  facile da trovare e richiamare in Esplora file tramite i menu di scelta rapida. In questo articolo vi spieghiamo come deframmentare il supporto dati su Windows 10.

NonĀ  pi necessario eseguire la deframmentazione manuale dei moderni file system, in quanto la deframmentazione automatica in backgroundĀ  molto pi efficiente. Generalmente i supporti dati SSD non vanno deframmentati perch in questi dischi la deframmentazione risulterebbe pi dannosa che vantaggiosa.

Windows pianifica la deframmentazione automatica di tutti i dischi rigidi come impostazione predefinita. La frammentazione dei dischi rigidi con ottimizzazione automaticaĀ  quasi sempre pari allo 0%.

In Linux i filesystem ext2, ext3 ed ext4 non hanno bisogno di molta manutenzione, infatti questi filesystem sono gi pensati per prevenire l'effetto di frammentazione. Tuttavia anche qui, le continue letture e scritture che si susseguono nel tempo, possono determinare un rallentamento dei processi dell'intero sistema e potrebbe essere necessaria una deframmentazione che anche Linux prevede.

In questi articolo trattiamo di filesystem ext2, ext3 ed ext4 in dischi HDD e non SSD. La deframmentazione dell'unit SSD tuttavia nonĀ  consigliata perch, seĀ  ver che migliorer le performance di lettura e scrittura, ridurra anche la vita del disco SSD. Se proprio volete deframmentarlo potreste usare la funzione TRIM, che nonĀ  trattata in questo articolo. be457b7860

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