
Olin College

Spring 2018

Fundamentally, this course is about energy. What is it? Where does it come from? How do we use it? How much do we require to run a modern society? What are the limits of various energy technologies? Energy is also critically important to our lives and our society and a firm understanding should be a requirement for every scientist and engineer.

This course covers the fundamental principles of thermodynamics and physical chemistry as applied to energy systems. This course provides a foundation in fundamental thermodynamic phenomena, including the first and second laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, equations of state, chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics. The basic laws are used to understand and analyze the performance, efficiency, and limits of systems, such as automobile engines, gas turbines, refrigerators, batteries, fuel cells and more.

Instructor: Brian Storey

Class meeting time: Tues and Fri 1:30-3:10