Erik Kalz


I am a master student in theoretical physics at the Technical University Dresden, Germany. I am also participating in the Theory of Polymers department at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung in Dresden in the group of Prof. J. Sommer, supervised by Dr. A. Sharma.

In the last few years of studying I developed interest in soft condensed matter physics. My first scientific thesis was about the entropy production rate in a system governed by the use of (Dynamical) Density Functional Theory.

I am also giving tutorials in mathematics for engeneers and am teaching foundations of logic for philosophy students at the university with now in total 4 semester of experience.


The density profile of hard one-dimesnional rods confined between two hard walls is simulated using Dynamical Density Functional methods. The equilibration of the rods out of a highly confined potential into the equilibrium in the confining walls is shown. The time scale of the simulation is nonlinear.

Bachelor Thesis

"Entropy Production In A Non-Equilibrium System Of Hard Rods In Confinement": thesis, program code, data, movie and pictures


Grundlagen der Logik

tutor for the first-semester lecture in foundations of logic of Dr. U. Scheffler at the Institut of Philosophy at the Technical University of Dresden


tutor at the first- til fourth-semester lecture in mathematics for enginers by Prof. A. Fischer at the Institut for numerical mathmatics at the Technical University of Dresden

Personal Information

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curriculum vitae: pdf