Custom Branding Packaging Concept By Uprising Foods

Uprising Foods started serving its health-conscious customers in 2019. Since then, this company has done well to remain on its track to become a trademark in the industry.

The founding members of this company are brother and sister duo, William and Kate, who launched their first product line named Breadlam’s Uprising, which is handmade bread that they call Keto Kubes, for people who prefer sticking with the keto diet. Because they had to bring this product directly to the customers, they had to pay a fair bit of attention to the product packaging.

The process involved in brand building is nothing less than a tough challenge, but when it comes to branding of that business, the challenge becomes tougher. Good thing for William that he had vast experience in the field of brand management. This expertise allowed him to propel his brand in the most appropriate direction.

William had been working as a senior brand manager at Procter & Gamble. During his tenure, he got the chance to work with Olay, which was a major client of Proctor & Gamble. While working with Olay, William had to manage e-commerce markets, which allowed him to have advanced knowledge about online branding.

With an experience of being on the frontlines of branding while working with Proctor & Gamble, William had everything he needed to make the branding process of Uprising Foods a success. This branding process also involved making sure that the customers would admire the Keto Kubes the moment they see them on the website.

William and his team members worked quite well to create matching designs for each panel of the boxes. By looking at the outside and inside of the box, you will realize it for sure that William and his team knew well when they did, which helped them make sure that the customers would be blown away with the packaging design.

Inside the box

A successful unboxing experience has everything to do with what you think inside the box. You will want to make sure that the unboxing process becomes a memory for your client. It is exactly what William did by creating designs and messages for different portions inside the box.

They printed their brand name, brand colors, and website links at appropriate places to make their customers remember the feeling they have when they receive the package.

Another nice trick by the Uprising team was the addition of six Keto Kubes inside the box, and each one fitted nicely to fill the box. Getting that box out is yet another branding moment that Uprising Foods utilized quite impressively. Each of these small boxes has the word ‘Breadlam’ printed on the top, which helps them continue telling their brand story.

So, do you want to know the difference between a good box and a great box? A great box is the one that focuses on improving the customer experience from its outside and inside. You have to use the entire real estate of the product package to tell your customers about your brand.