The Monke Den Privacy Policy

1. We collect player data (privately), such as:

2. We store this information for:

3. People can ask me to delete their personal information anytime by contacting the email below or by direct messaging @troopermonke through the Discord Server below to get in contact with me, your information will be deleted permanently.

Ways to get in contact with the Owner or Staff:

4. Players can also delete their private information themselves. To delete your information, you should:

    1) (ON YOUR HEADSET) Go to "Settings" > "Storage" > "This headset".

    2) Scroll down and search for "The Monke Den".

    3) Click on "Delete App Data".

    4) Confirm deletion by clicking the "Delete" button which pops up when you press "Delete App Data".

After following these steps, you are done. Your account and game data will be fully erased along with your private, personal information. Accounts are not linked to Meta accounts (yet). If something is not working correctly or you can’t do it yourself, read number 3 above.

5. We don’t share any kind of players personal information, such as IP Address, country, etc. with other people.

6. We absolutely don’t sell any kind of players personal information. All private information is ensured to be kept private for your safety.

7. Everything is stored in Photon and PlayFab accounts. These accounts are protected by these companies' security. We are using 2-factor authentication to protect your accounts and private information.

8. Your private information will never be used against you. Like threatening, extortion, etc. If you see people or a person doing so with your personal information and saying that we shared your information with them, remember that it's all lies. If you see that they are doing this in-game, in our Discord Server or anywhere else, use the links from number 3 above.

9. All in-app purchases go towards game improvements. In-app purchases are not required as it is a way to only gain in-game currency (Den Coins), or obtain special items.

Everything is Copyrighted by: Stealing game Assets/Files, creating & releasing custom .apk files of the game (Whether being modified or not), etc. These of which will cause a lot of problems for you such as Law Suiting/Suing, Pressing Charges, etc. (Not a threat, just a warning.)